Dodge Caravan 1996 3.0L Speed Sensor

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Netman, Apr 24, 2006.

  1. Netman

    Netman Guest

    My Dodge Caravan 1996, 3.0 L engine, 3 speed automatic transmission has Check
    Engine light on, the code is P0500, which is Vehicle Speed Sensor being bad. The
    vehicle appears to operate normally, but once in a while the speedo stops
    working, transiently.

    I want to replace the VSS myself, but I do not know the location of the sensor,
    the only thing on this transmission that I know the location of, is the Reverse
    Gear light switch, beacuse it was replaced sometime ago, Haynes does not show
    the location of VSS on a 3 speed transmission, it shows a picture of a 4 speed
    transmission only.

    Could someone kindly advise me on this, as to where and how to locate the VSS on
    my vehicle.

    The other question is, that is it a output or input speed sensor ? since I hear
    there are two types of speed sensors.

    Thanks in advance.

    Netman, Apr 24, 2006
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