Do Recalls Cost Customer Anything?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Nomen Nescio, Feb 8, 2005.

  1. Nomen Nescio

    Nomen Nescio Guest

    Say Chrysler recalls all its cars for a defective door latch, air bag, or
    fuel pump connection. Anything, it doesn't matter. That must cost a great
    deal of money.

    Are the service managers instructed to suggest additional work on unrelated
    matters to help offset the cost of recalls? For instance, while my car is
    up on the rack, for say replacement of a recalled set of rear shocks, is
    the mechanic looking for worn brake shoes to tell the s.m. so the s.m. can
    scare me into buying an expensive brake job I don't need?

    Does a dealer mechanic get a commission on work sold to the hapless
    customer? He should, because the service manager would never have found
    those worn out brake shoes if it wasn't for the keen eye of the mechanic.
    What's worse is when a lube mechanic finds metal to metal brake shoes, gets
    not a nickel commission for selling the job, and he doesn't get any labor
    split because the brake man does the brake job.

    I don't think that's fair. If the lube jockey finds bad brakes he should
    do the brake job and collect the labor split, not the brake man.
    Nomen Nescio, Feb 8, 2005
  2. Nomen Nescio

    maxpower Guest

    That would depend on the recall
    I have never heard of someone trying to scare someone into buying work,
    Recalls to me are also a form of advertisement, and they bring new customers
    to the dealer, and yes if the recall calls for raising the vehicle we will
    give it a quick check over. Just as we would any other customers vehicle
    Most get paid a flat rate. Some are on salary. The service manager gets paid
    by the hour we turn.
    I dont think I would want a lube jockey performing work on my vehicle,
    normally they are young kids

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Feb 8, 2005
  3. Nomen Nescio

    Mike Behnke Guest

    I would think this to be typically normal customer service. Looking out
    for the safety of the customer. Shop I deal with does a no charge
    safety check every time I bring the car in, for whatever reason. If
    something is noted, the service writer calls me and informs me of their
    concern and what it would cost to fix. Ultimate decision on the repair
    is up to me.
    Mechanic gets paid for the work he does.
    I wouldn't want the oil jockey anywhere close to my brakes, except to
    fill the crankcase, where he might get close to the master cylinder.
    Most liely hte lube jockey has no brake system training doesn't know
    squat about brakes. Most shops in this area are union, and union rules
    typically dictate what a oil jockey can touch.
    Mike Behnke, Feb 9, 2005
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