Disable factory alarm on T&C?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by nobody, Sep 9, 2006.

  1. nobody

    nobody Guest

    Hey all.

    I just picked up, last night, a 1999 T&C Limited. The previous owner can't
    find the key fobs just now, although she knows she has them.

    Is there a way to disable the factory alarm until I get those? It would be
    tremendously annoying to have to run downstairs and out to the car in my
    skivies to turn the alarm off with the key if I have a false trip for any
    What are the chances of this, is the alarm only tripped if a door is opened
    without a key and not just if a local kid pulls the door handle or hits it
    with a soccer ball?

    Any advice would be great!
    nobody, Sep 9, 2006
  2. nobody

    MT-2500 Guest

    No sweat no problem. Just drive it.
    They do not trip very easy.
    MT-2500, Sep 9, 2006
  3. nobody

    nobody Guest

    OK cool. That's what i was hoping. Although I did trip it when I opened the
    rear hatche tonight, but the manual says that a key in any cyclinder should
    disable it . Another problem for another time perhaps.

    On a related note, am I going to have to go to the dealer to get Key fobs
    programmed if the previous owner doesn't find hem? In my previous, 1993, T&C
    there was a wire I shorted behind the glove compartment that allowed me to
    program a new remote myself. Do you, or anyone else, know if a similar
    programming method exists on the 99 if I got fobs on eBay or similar?
    nobody, Sep 9, 2006
  4. nobody

    philthy Guest

    read the owners manual it might be of some help in this issue
    philthy, Sep 9, 2006
  5. nobody

    maxpower Guest

    In your case since you don't have a single key fob you will have to have the
    dealer program them with the DRB scan tool. There is no wire to ground as
    your earlier vehicle had.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Sep 9, 2006
  6. nobody

    nobody Guest

    Yeah sorry I should have mentioned, I already did that. I mentions
    programming Fob - to - FOB but nothing about FOB-Less. I was hoping, as
    there often is, some backdoor trick to avoid the dealer and their $100 FOBS.

    "< read the owners manual it might be of some help in this issue
    nobody, Sep 10, 2006
  7. nobody

    nobody Guest

    Thanks, Glenn. Bummer, but thanks anyway. ;-)
    nobody, Sep 10, 2006
  8. nobody

    philthy Guest

    call and get the part number i have a dozen or so and one should fit the number
    20 bucs fit your wallet??
    a good scan tool can do it so you don't need a dealer to do so
    philthy, Sep 10, 2006
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