Diesel powered Caravan - issues??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tmac-100, Dec 23, 2006.

  1. Tmac-100

    Tmac-100 Guest

    I will be moving to Dubai soon and am wondering about the diesel powered
    caravan that is available there and in Europe.

    Has any reader owned one? If so what are the experiences with the diesel
    engine there? Any negative or service issues that I should be aware of?
    Tmac-100, Dec 23, 2006
  2. Tmac-100

    Art Guest

    When I was in the UK a year or so ago, I was driven from London to Gatwick
    in one. The driver/owner loved everything about it except depreciation. He
    also had a Mercedes that was bleeding his money. I never would have
    believed it was a diesel except he told me so. It was quiet and fast.
    Art, Dec 23, 2006
  3. Tmac-100

    Adam H Guest

    When I was in the UK a year or so ago, I was driven from London to Gatwick
    The caravan is known as a Voyager here in the UK - they are big and
    comfotable, but depreciate loads because they drink loads of our petrol
    (?mpg) at £4.50 a gallon, and don't have the reliability or build quality of
    a Toyota

    A shame, as they're nice MPVs!.
    Adam H, Dec 23, 2006
  4. Tmac-100

    Tmac-100 Guest

    AS indicated in my OP, I am interested in the issues with a DIESEL
    Voyager/Caravan. Also, who made the diesel engine for the vehicle - I
    understand it was not Chrysler.


    Tmac-100, Dec 23, 2006
  5. Tmac-100

    Adam H Guest

    Duh - I should have read the original post - still, with diesel costing more
    than petrol, the build quality being the same as a petrol version and the
    reliability also the same, there are 3 reasons.

    I believe the 2.5CRD is Mercedes based, though that isn't as good as it used
    to be, as Mercedes (AKA Daimler Chrysler) source globally these days. (My
    brother has a Merc C220 built in S. Africa - returned trice on warranty in
    its first year) The Voyager is built in Austria. In my lifetime in the UK
    I have only known 1 famous thing about Austria, and that is about a famous
    person who was born there.

    But they aren't a BAD car, so if their A/C is up to it, go for it!
    Adam H, Dec 23, 2006
  6. Tmac-100

    Art Guest

    Just a tip..... you can reduce the depreciation problem by buying it used.
    Art, Dec 24, 2006
  7. Tmac-100

    Tmac-100 Guest

    Thanks for this info Adam.

    Finding and buying a diesel voyager/caravan is an option I will explore
    - along with a diesel VW Bora/Jetta or my favourite car of all time; a
    RWD Volvo (aka a 240/740/940). single camshaft engine is easier to deal
    with than a DOHC BMW of the same vintage.

    For me a car MUST be reliable and easily FIXABLE. Otherwise it is just a
    piece of expensive steel that moves me from "A" to "B".

    I still have the first vehicle i ever bought: a 1972 Land Rover serries
    III 88", but... that is another story too ;-)

    Thanks again for all the input from everyone.

    Ken, Canada
    Tmac-100, Dec 24, 2006
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