Detroit Three executives

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tim, Nov 24, 2008.

  1. Tim

    Tim Guest

    I wouldn't blame the Detroit Three executives. They were as well
    prepared as Paulson was. Why would they expect more detailed answers and
    plans were needed?
    Tim, Nov 24, 2008
  2. Tim

    HLS Guest

    C'mon, Tim... These turkeys knew they were coming before Congress to be
    grilled and they should have been prepared to answer hard questions.
    is an administration hanger-on, admitted, but we are not really talking
    Nardelli being better than Paulson.

    The three "stooges" made fools of themselves.
    HLS, Nov 24, 2008
  3. Tim

    Mike Hunter Guest

    I recognized two of the Senators you are referencing, but who do you think
    was the third? ;)
    Mike Hunter, Nov 24, 2008
  4. Tim

    Tim Guest

    How many times has Paulson changed his mind about what he is going to do?
    The reason they need the loan is obvious. There is a credit freeze
    caused by the banks.
    The companies have other problems but this is what has caused them to go
    to the government for loans at this time.

    The politicians were laying in wait, determined to make a show for the
    electorate, who would rather have these companies fail or their workers'
    standards of living drop than save an industry that helped improve the
    blue collar worker's life to one that is the envy of the world.
    Tim, Nov 24, 2008
  5. Tim

    Bill Putney Guest

    It's quite a dilemma for those who hate corporate America but love the
    Bill Putney, Nov 25, 2008
  6. Tim

    HLS Guest

    It makes no difference. At this time, Paulsen is the "bull goose".

    EVERYBODY has credit problems. The problems exceed the money even on
    a national basis.

    I am not at odds with you, but this is a shitteaux politics driven issue.

    These pimps in Washington will eventually do something, even if it is wrong.
    HLS, Nov 25, 2008
  7. Tim

    Bill Putney Guest

    Unfortunately that's probably true. Or they'll do the right thing for
    the wrong reasons - we can hope.
    Bill Putney, Nov 25, 2008
  8. Tim

    raamman Guest

    while you are free and happy to bash unions you seem oblivious to the
    outrageous "compensation packages" the fuckheads in suits who do
    nothing all day- they make far more than the workers who earn their
    wage in mind numbing drugery day in day out. Show some respect
    raamman, Nov 25, 2008
  9. Tim

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Come on Tim. You're coming across as an apologist for the automakers.
    What does it matter what Paulson did? The Big 3 came to town for a handout
    and it's perfectly reasonable to expect that they would have a well
    prepared case for a hand out if they really want one. It's also quite
    reasonable to expect they would not flaunt their stuff, coming into town in
    their private jets, etc. They blew it big time, in every sense.

    There is no credit freeze either. My daughter just bought a new car - her
    first car loan. Easily got financing for 7.5%. Had several offers
    hovering around that same mark. She's only 24 so she does not have the
    history that you or I have, so that's a pretty good rate for her. What
    kind of credit freeze is there Tim?

    Politicians always want to put on a show for the electorate, and I agree
    they did so this time. The problem is that the three stooges played right
    into it and made the show real.
    Mike Marlow, Nov 25, 2008
  10. Tim

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Mind numbing drugery is nothing to respect.

    Outrageous compensation packages, I can agree with - folks in suits wo do
    nothing all day, I can't. It only shows how little you really understand
    about the various aspects of a business organization.
    Mike Marlow, Nov 25, 2008
  11. Tim

    raamman Guest

    yeah, it's a scam
    raamman, Nov 25, 2008
  12. Tim

    Bill Putney Guest

    Show me where I bashed unions. I simply said the situation with the Big
    3 is one that is a huge dilemma for those who hate corporate America but
    love the unions. Tell me what's wrong with that statement.

    I'll show some respect when it's earned - not because you tell me I have to.
    Bill Putney, Nov 25, 2008
  13. Tim

    HLS Guest

    A lot of corporations have some deadwood at the top. It is apparently
    to dismiss people at this level for a number of reasons.

    I have seen suited thieves who were not fired, but were transferred sideways
    to another

    I have seen the same pinstriped sapsuckers destroy the profitability and
    morale of a
    company due to their incompetence (and still be protected by their huddle of

    I have seen them organize and implement acquisitions which are clearly
    losers from the
    onset, because their MBO bonus plan gives them 20% for completing

    The Peter principle is alive and well.
    HLS, Nov 25, 2008
  14. Tim

    Dioclese Guest

    The Senate hearing?
    Senators - hypocrites
    Big 3 Execs - hypocrites
    Self-righteous consumers - hypocrites
    News media - you know that by now
    All helped create the problems we're having now, or, ignored the symptoms.
    Business as usual attitude got us here. The thing different here is the Big
    3 Execs just don't get it. The retribution factor, from the consumer, due
    the Big 3 slowness to change with the times just complicates matters. The
    senate hearing as a result is a reflection of what those senators are
    hearing from their constituents.

    Oddly, more than half of the U.S. polled did not want to bailout banks.
    Yet, here we are doing just that. Paulsen used fear tactics to get that to
    pass. In the interim, we saw Paulsen change his mind a few times how to
    attack the problem. Meanwhile, people were still losing their homes to
    foreclosure. Corporate big whigs were partying up and still getting their
    big multi-million bonues. Unemployment increased. The Big 3 Execs tried
    fear tactics, and failed miserably. I don't see why there is a reason for
    confusion or reason to question of why the senate hearing demanded a
    detailed business plan. Some people tend to learn after being bashed in the
    head a number of times. Even Senators...
    Dioclese, Nov 25, 2008
  15. Tim

    HLS Guest

    We have more of a politburo rather than a responsive and responsable
    representative democracy. They seem to play their little games, enrich
    themselves, and feed off the lobbyists.

    An extreme attitude adjustment is indicated.
    HLS, Nov 25, 2008
  16. Tim

    Tim Guest

    There is a credit freeze in that the banks will not lend the car dealers
    money, which is how they finance their showroom and car lot vehicles.

    One case, your daughter's, does not disprove anything.
    Tim, Nov 25, 2008
  17. Tim

    HLS Guest

    There does not seem to be any problem getting loans in this part of Texas,
    if you have a good credit history, stable employment, etc.

    The midwestern states have not been hit nearly as hard on the mortgage loan
    forfeitures as the west coast and east coast...the heavily populated, high
    estate market areas.

    I am sure the floor plan loans are difficult.
    HLS, Nov 25, 2008
  18. Tim

    Tim Guest

    Is your daughter a car dealer? Try reading the post.
    Tim, Nov 25, 2008
  19. Tim

    Tim Guest

    Maybe you should phone the president and let him know. You would have
    saved the country $800 Billion in additional money that they are going
    to use to unfreeze the credit market.
    Tell the president there isn't a problem because your daughter just got
    a loan.
    Tim, Nov 25, 2008
  20. Tim

    HLS Guest

    If you would read the post, you would realize I posted nothing about my

    The two posts are intermingled. Get your head out of your ass.

    The credit market here in the midwest is not as bad as in other areas.. That
    a fact, at this point.
    HLS, Nov 25, 2008
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