Delphi Proposal to Cut Wages in Half!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Nomen Nescio, Oct 10, 2005.

  1. Nomen Nescio

    Mike Hunter Guest

    The first 'union' was started in the anthracitic coal fields, in and around
    Schuylkill county, in northeastern Pennsylvania in the late 1800's. Irish
    coal minors fought against 12 hour work days, six days a week, in the most
    horrible and deadly working conditions imaginable, for $3 a week. Do a
    search for a group know as the 'Molly McGuire's.'

    mike hunt
    Mike Hunter, Oct 12, 2005
  2. Nomen Nescio

    Mike Hunter Guest

    The union is requires by law to fight for the workers in the plant what ever
    the cause, even for those that do not belong to the union but are covered by
    the union contact. However they can NOT win the fight to keep a worker that
    does not do his job etc.. The only one that can win is management, who may
    chose to keep the employee to win a bigger fight that they can not otherwise

    mike hunt
    Mike Hunter, Oct 12, 2005
  3. Aw, shucks Mike... sorry to put you through all that.

    I guess i forgot the 'rolleyes" smiley!

    Oh, well... never hurts to fire for effect!

    BTW: Folks at are reading this.

    I posted a longer version on my blog and there was someone at GM on it
    immediately.. for 7 minutes

    to find that article just do a blog search on my email username
    Backyard Mechanic, Oct 12, 2005
  4. Our local paper this morning reported the findings of a survey by the
    Kaiser Family Foundation: health-care costs are increasing at triple the
    rate of inflation. Fewer employers are offering health-care benefits.
    Health insurance for a family costs more than the income from full-time
    employment at minimum wage!! IOW, health insurance in the US costs some
    people more than 100% of their income, whereas in Australia (see an
    earlier message of mine) it costs nobody more than 2.5% of his or her
    income, and that 2.5% of income is sufficient to cover in addition
    people with no income -- typically the unemployed.

    Percival P. Cassidy, Oct 13, 2005

  5. So are the airlines. Four of them went bankrupt under similar circumstances
    last month.
    The whole damned service/manufacturing industry (except for housing
    construction) is about to crash, due to world economic pressure.
    Only problem with third world wages is that they won't pay my first-world
    property taxes.
    Mark & Mary Ann Weiss, Oct 13, 2005
  6. But we can't have any kind of public health coverage. Oh, no. Huh-uh. That
    would be Socialist, which is the same as Communist.

    This is what we get for having stopped teaching civics, government and
    logic in the public schools.
    Daniel J. Stern, Oct 13, 2005
  7. Follow the reply trail and think about what it really means... we're in a
    global economy and if we want to SELL our goods we have to play through
    the WTO.

    It IS NOT the union wages, however that is sinking the old-line ship, it
    the union productivity in large part. it's the generous HS diploma to
    grave benefits on the other hand.

    Where ELSE but in the heyday sixties could a kid graduate HS, get a job,
    then get married, buy a house car and boat all in the next five years...
    sounds too good to be true and it was.

    Part of our great standard of living is that we DO get cheap goods.
    There's a price to pay on either end.

    Those that carp about the foreign content in American assembled vehicles
    will seem to never be happy. Look at the parts production Honda moved

    Look, my family is GREATLY affected by this, but trotting out all the old
    buzz doesnt help a damn thing.
    Backyard Mechanic, Oct 13, 2005
  8. Nomen Nescio

    MoPar Man Guest

    Gov't debt is higher now than in the 60's.

    Medical care that can be given to people today is more specific, more
    effective, and MORE EXPENSIVE than what was available 50 years ago
    (even if people aren't living a whole lot longer now than 50 years
    ago, their senior years are certainly more expensive).

    And there are simply more people now vs 50 years ago.

    We are telling ourselves that the more people there are, the more our
    cities grow, the better life will be.

    It's a fiction. Taxes go up even when forests are mowed down and
    thousands of homes go up.

    Life (in north america at least) does not get better with more
    people. Infrastructure costs grow disproportionately. More people
    need more jobs, more schools, more food, more ENERGY.

    It will always take more taxpayers to support the social infracture of
    the current population. It's a spiral that is out of control.

    Hundreds of thousands of immigrants are needed in North America each
    year to create the tax-base needed to support the current

    And in future years those immigrants will need even more immigrants.

    There is no concept of trying to achieve a stable population level.
    It's always got to be more. More and more. There must always be
    growth. That concept is even embraced by religion. It's certainly
    embraced by policitians at all levels of gov't.

    The promise that life gets better when there are more taxpayers, when
    there are more people, is false. It is proven every year, with every
    strike, with every increase in property taxes, in sales taxes. We go
    to war to make sure we have the oil to support ourselves, and we
    delude ourselves that it was for another reason.
    MoPar Man, Oct 13, 2005
  9. Nomen Nescio

    Bret Ludwig Guest

    The consumer benefits, is the mantra of cheap imported goods.

    I'm typing this on a computer that is a Bitsa, it's a PIII with a
    Adaptec SCSI card and a 20 GB SCSI drive. All from dead, used computers
    I put together. The keyboard is an old AT Clone originally off a 386,
    big plug and all. It's almost old enough to vote. Computers could go up
    by a factor of 10 as far as I am concerner, I have around $200 in this

    I used to fix VGA monitors, we would put flybacks, horizontal output
    transistors, you name it in them. Now you just landfill them. Phooey
    phooey phooey. We would still have Amigas and Ataris and far more
    efficient software if it wasn't for the onslaught of supercheap
    unrepairable PC hardware.

    The consumer benefits but the producer takes a high hard one up the
    you know where. Where can I get a job as a professional consumer and
    just consume stuff all day? We are all amateur consumers and
    professional producers. I say cut off cheap imports because only the
    idle rich and government drones will suffer.
    Bret Ludwig, Oct 13, 2005
  10. Nomen Nescio

    Sarge Guest

    Bret Ludwig wrote: " I used to fix VGA monitors, we would put flybacks,
    horizontal output transistors, you name it in them. Now you just landfill
    them. Phooey phooey phooey. We would still have Amigas and Ataris and far
    more efficient software if it wasn't for the onslaught of supercheap
    unrepairable PC hardware."

    We need to stop being a disposable society. Business want us that way so
    they can sell more product. It does not make them big profits if we can
    repair our stuff. The two way radios I use at work or Motorola. They sell
    two radios that look identical and with the same features, one is their
    expensive model and they other is their cheaper version. Both use the same
    case and internals. When either break at work they just keep the case and
    put in a new internals in the old case. In the old days, the radio tech
    would have hooked up his trusted soldering iron and instruments and found
    what was bad with the circuitry and just changed the bad transistor or other

    Sarge, Oct 13, 2005
  11. Nomen Nescio

    TheSnoMan Guest

    You are sadly mistaken in your computer logic. Computer technology is
    disposable in that it is evolving so rapidly that thing posssible today
    were not a few years ago and thing not possible today will be in a few
    years. If you are still using a P3, more power to you but you are way
    behind the power curve and I am not even talking to be state of the art.
    A 400 buck entry system is light years ahead of your system.
    TheSnoMan, Oct 13, 2005
  12. Nomen Nescio

    Roy Guest

    Never read about the Pinkerton's and strikes? Take a walk to your local
    library and read away.
    Roy, Oct 13, 2005
  13. Certainly I have. You're suggesting that because of events from the past
    -- mostly the *distant* past -- unions in their present form are an
    undebateable force for good. I disagree with you.
    Daniel J. Stern, Oct 13, 2005
  14. Nomen Nescio

    Roy Guest

    You would have us revert to our past? Although in some ways we are headed
    that way imo.

    I said somewhere in this thread that some unions suck, others don't. Also
    said that the members make up the union read what ya want into it. Were
    there no unions today do you truly believe that benefits, wages and
    safety,would be as they are?

    Roy, Oct 13, 2005
  15. Nomen Nescio

    TheSnoMan Guest

    Plain and simple, I know it sounds cold but the wages are to high for
    the work being done because you can train anyone with no skill at all to
    do nmost of those jobs in short order. They will have a choice, a job
    with maybe 40 buck. an hour in wages and benfits which is not bad money
    for that work or hold out for current wages and have no job at all.
    TheSnoMan, Oct 13, 2005
  16. Nomen Nescio

    Roy Guest

    Okay, you want cold. I suppose then that you are willing and able to have
    your pay cut as the Delphi workers. Sorta lead by example.
    You then will I'm sure be cutting your plowing rates by the same percentage.
    Sorta lead by example. No? Oh, I see it, is just the driver of the truck
    that get's his pay cut 50%, from $20 down to $10. You, as owner, continue to
    haul in $100-150@hour.

    If high wages are the problem and all unions suck, I'd expect you folks to
    be doing your part and give back to whoever you work for, 50% of your pay.
    Oh, silly me how could I think such a thing. That only happens to somebody

    You folks might want to take the time to get a good grasp on reality,
    because when they pull it off with the unions, care to guess who is next?
    Roy, Oct 13, 2005
  17. Nomen Nescio

    Mike Hunter Guest

    If there families full time income is less at minimum wage they get their
    health care at no cost via Medicaid ;)

    mike hunt
    Mike Hunter, Oct 13, 2005
  18. By what measure? % of GDP is the one that counts.. but you may be right.

    But they ARE living a LOT longer and yes it is more expensive to let them
    live longer... so euthansia?

    More people producing more and buying.more.. a wash..
    Uh yeah... because folks demand more services, and environmental needs
    are far more complicated, sewer rates being excellent example

    see above
    We could limit birth to one child/family
    Are you sure?

    That does not necessarily follow... it MAY be in growing expectatioons of
    Social services and environemtnal and personal protection
    Utter CRAP.

    If you look at the costs... even at 1/5 the actual money US actually
    spent, it would have been FAR better deal to do what Chirac did... make
    an under the table deal for Iraqi oil.
    - in fact, there were rumors and innuendo that the US TRIED that... if
    the charges could have been proven there would have been hell to pay!

    But then Cheney et al would be facing charges for that instead of the
    French and Russian guys.

    You really need to read between the lines of the news instead of
    swallowing kool-aid wholesale.

    The REAL news is right here on Pravda...

    Note that the Euro's keep saying their economy problems are due to
    population stagnation... yet they are running 12 % unemployment.

    What's our unemployment?

    What's the difference? Yep... social services and govt red tape.

    the Delphi news isnt good, but we've been through that sort of thing

    Go peddle your sky-is-falling crap somewhere else!
    Backyard Mechanic, Oct 14, 2005
  19. If you can find someplace I suggested doing so, please post a message ID.
    I'll be over here waiting.
    Daniel J. Stern, Oct 14, 2005
  20. Riiiiiiight, unions are all that's preventing massive, wholesale
    elimination of all jobs.

    It's amazing to me how the unionists will wave their little flags and
    chant their vacuous little slogans as long as it's the union bosses who
    call the shots. Let it be the government instead, and these same
    sloganeers start bitching and whining about socialism.
    Daniel J. Stern, Oct 14, 2005
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