Ddid they ever figure out the transmission?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by David Watts, May 13, 2007.

  1. David Watts

    David Watts Guest

    Hello. I had to replace the transmission in my '96 voyager and now
    have a chance to buy a '98 Caravan. Were the issues with the
    transmission ever resolved on later models?

    Thank you,

    David Watts, May 13, 2007
  2. David Watts

    Dipstick Guest

    They were resolved before '96.
    Dipstick, May 13, 2007
  3. David Watts

    Art Guest

    Make sure the car has the right Chrysler fluid with no additives.
    Art, May 13, 2007
  4. David Watts

    dave gower Guest

    94 was the year that Chrysler made the big improvements. But past
    maintenance is everything. Especially that service was done and the right
    type of fluid was used. Use of the wrong fluid will cause the clutches to
    slip and die real quick.
    dave gower, May 14, 2007
  5. David Watts

    NewMan Guest

    My understanding was that the final wrinkles were worked out in models
    shipped after 2000. With anything that is still "factory" prior to
    that, you take your chances.

    To my knowledge and observations, the newer the trans, the better it
    was likely built at the factory.

    I had a 1994 GC, and I concur with what others say about past
    maintenance. The previous owner of my 1994 GC did NOT do any
    maintnenace to the trans, and then did a patch job on it to sell it.
    Even the guys who rebuilt it the first time screwed up. Fortunately
    for me, it blew up while on warranty, and they rebuilt it right the
    second time.

    I would be very cautious of buying anything older than 2001. I know
    how much I spent on maintenance of my 1994, and it was nuts.

    Since my 1994 was hit by a 16 yr old and written off by the insurance
    comapny, I took a bath on all that hard work.

    I now own a 2002 GC, which I was offered an extended warranty on for a
    price of $2000. I purchased that warranty, and am I ever glad I did!
    So far, the warranty has covered just over $5000 in repairs in about 8
    months. That is over 1/2 the purchase price of the van.

    So even newer vans seem to be built - to put it politely - "cheaply".

    A thorough mechanical inspection is definitely in order prior to
    purchase. But if I were you....

    There is little difference in "book value" between a similarly
    equipped 1996 and a 1998. If you already have a 1996 and have kept it
    well maintained, then you are probably better of to keep it rather
    than take a chance on how a 1998 MAY have been maintained. That is,
    unless there is something about the 1996 that you do not like or is a
    potential show-stopper. But you have already rebuilt the trans. If it
    was rebuild correctly, and you maintian it properly, then you should
    have many years of trouble-free operation (from the trans!).

    NewMan, May 14, 2007
  6. David Watts

    Some O Guest

    My '95 LH experiences bear that out; the transmission is still as good
    as new, but it likes Chrysler's service on time.
    Also my friends '96 van transmission is fine.
    Some O, May 17, 2007
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