DC posts profit downgrade

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by DeserTBoB, Sep 15, 2006.

  1. DeserTBoB

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Although still profitable overall, DaimlerChrysler has issued a
    revised profit outlook for the third quarter, blaming
    slower-than-expected North American sales, but will still end up on
    the up side. Meanwhile, Ford and GM continue to hemorrage red ink.

    Of interest are the "talking head" analyst who protray themselves as
    automtive industry "experts" on Wall St. It's pretty obvious they
    function mostly on misinformation, much like the telecom "experts" did
    while still hyping AT&T stock as late as 1995. Not only that, but
    history shows that Wall St. anaylst have around a 50% accuracy rating.
    Shit...I can do as well with a fucking dart board.

    Ford's currently at $8 a share, and has just about hit bottom, for
    now, anyway, and two of the Ford North America top brass have followed
    chief family rat Billy Boy out the door. However, I'm not convinced
    that bringing in someone from Boeing, who was there when Boeing almost
    tanked, is necessarily a smart move. GM, meanwhile, continues to
    wallow in its incompetence with no end in sight. DC stock today
    closed at $43-something and took a $3 hit due to the profit forecast
    revision. DC at $43, Ford at $8, GM even worse...do the math.

    DC will pass Ford in the '07-'08 timeframe as the #2 US automaker. I
    remember when I turned down Chrysler at $2/share back in '79. I'll
    never make THAT mistake again!
    DeserTBoB, Sep 15, 2006
  2. DeserTBoB

    Just Facts Guest

    The $1.7 billion expected loss at Chrysler almost sinks DC.
    Fortunately Mercedes is expected to make $2.1 billion, even with their
    not so Smart losses.
    (figures from Business Week)
    Just Facts, Sep 23, 2006
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