Dating And Doors

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by astping, Feb 19, 2008.

  1. astping

    astping Guest

    Has it been a while since you have been out on a date, or maybe you
    haven't been able to get a second date after your first date fiasco,
    this article is written as a refresher course into dating etiquette
    and for your learning more about what your date might like.

    Rule number one when you are on a first date is to always be you.
    Don't try to portray yourself as someone you are not. If you put forth
    a 'fake' personality, career, or even an untrue past, the future
    between you and your date will be a doomed failure from the start. If
    you are truly going to be honest in a relationship, you will be
    together because you and the other have built a relationship based on
    real facts, thoughts and ideas. False starts create doubts in a
    relationship that are difficult if not impossible to overcome.

    Another steadfast rule in the dating world is do not try to focus the
    entire date about yourself and your world. Keep your date interested
    in conversation about worldly happenings, local happenings or even by
    asking them about themselves. Continual conversation brings about a
    great date for the both of you. Focus on today without focusing on
    where you will be tomorrow with this person; if the relationship is
    meant to be it will happen naturally. This brings together the honesty
    in the relationship through conversation. The sharing of real events,
    thoughts and ideas in both of your lives is how a second date is
    brought about because of the attraction to want to learn more about
    the other person by spending more time with that person.

    Combining the rules

    Using the two major rules as discussed above and implementing small
    special effects to your date will bring out the best in a budding
    relationship while creating lasting memories for the two of you. These
    'special effects' in a first date can be very small gestures of
    kindness that
    astping, Feb 19, 2008
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