Dash speaker

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by David Watts, Sep 8, 2007.

  1. David Watts

    David Watts Guest

    Hello. The driver's side dash speaker on my '98 Caravan does not
    always work. I checked the back of the radio and everything is where
    it should be. Is the next step removing the dash to remove the
    speaker? How is this done?

    Thank you...
    David Watts, Sep 8, 2007
  2. David Watts

    Mike S Guest

    This was easy in my old 94 Caravan. All I had to do was pry off the
    hard plastic dash cover (the one stretching from the windshield over
    the dash speakers). Start at one end and gently pry up removing the
    dash clips. Then you will see the speaker which will be attached by 2
    or 4 screws. Clearance is tight for the speaker screws, but you should
    be able to figure it out from there.

    Intermittent sound is usually a loose wire or a wire grounding out

    I hope this helps.
    Mike S, Sep 9, 2007
  3. David Watts

    philthy Guest

    the big front dash panel pops out. carefully insert a screw driver under
    the panel and pry upward untill it popped out go to walmarts and get a
    decent set of pioneer speakers at a good price
    philthy, Sep 9, 2007
  4. David Watts

    who Guest

    First I would check that all electrical connections are tight.
    With that old a vehicle I'd reseat the connectors. If lose I'd solder
    them on.
    who, Sep 10, 2007
  5. David Watts

    Islander Guest

    Is this the infinity system? I stand to be corrected but I think
    these are amplified speakers with the amp in the speaker. I have a
    problem with mines sometimes too (still have to look at it) a good
    shot of "turn the volume up" usually gets them back in operation so I
    suspect a corroded connector someplace.

    Islander, Sep 12, 2007
  6. David Watts

    Mike Y Guest

    I thought only the rear speakers were bi-amped

    Mike Y, Sep 12, 2007
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