Daimler Chrysler-Jeep employee buyout??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by FERRANTE, Nov 13, 2008.


    FERRANTE Guest

    A friend of mine worked at the Toledo, Ohio DC Jeep plant. Many have
    been laid off with no hope of being called back. Many employees with
    lots of years of service are getting big buyout monies. He has only
    been employed by them for a little over a year. He thinks he will be
    offered a buyout, but will he? With so little time in, wouldn't they
    just let him remain laid off and never call him back? I wonder if
    there is a certain amount of time that can pass and the company no
    longer has to rehire them or call them back?

    Your thoughts?
    FERRANTE, Nov 13, 2008

    Lloyd Guest

    When I saw your heading, I thought the employees were trying to buy
    Chrysler. Now I see it's not what you mean, but why don't they? Why
    not have a company owned by the employees? Some airline did this
    years ago.
    Lloyd, Nov 13, 2008

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    I wonder if anybody is considering this -- the current Harley Davidson
    renaissance started with an employee (maybe just management?)
    purchase. No idea what $7B comes to per employee.
    Joe Pfeiffer, Nov 13, 2008

    Lloyd Guest

    I've got a hunch Ceberus would sell it for a whole lot less.
    Lloyd, Nov 14, 2008
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