Daimler-Chrysler Divorce Negotiations Underway

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Comments4u, Feb 24, 2007.

  1. Comments4u

    Dave Gower Guest

    I said no such thing. He made such a claim, I did not.
    Dave Gower, Feb 25, 2007
  2. Comments4u

    Brent P Guest

    Then it should be easy for you to back that up with some cites.
    Nothing peculiar about having better weight distribution and all the
    benefits that come with it.
    So you admit the floor isn't flat.
    And now you admit the floor isn't flat and go further to say it shouldn't
    be flat. The difference with regards to usable space is trivial.
    You're entirely hung up on just a few cubic inches of space that isn't
    used anyway.
    Obviously you have a problem reading. I stated the difference was
    negilible, insignficant, small. A few cubic inches of hump doesn't change
    the interior space in any significant way.
    Again, your strawman or you just can't read.
    So, what do you use this additional 'hump' space in your front wheel drive
    car for? Why is it so important? I certainly didn't have any use for the
    space gained when I had the torqueless wonder car.
    Brent P, Feb 25, 2007
  3. Comments4u

    Ken Weitzel Guest

    For the feet and legs of middle passengers?
    Ken Weitzel, Feb 25, 2007
  4. Comments4u

    Brent P Guest

    Didn't say you did. Try putting it back into context of what statement it
    was a reply to. Now think real hard. Get it?
    Brent P, Feb 25, 2007
  5. Comments4u

    Brent P Guest

    Is that the same mythical middle passenger that people claim they need SUV's
    Brent P, Feb 25, 2007
  6. Comments4u

    edward ohare Guest

    On some cars the trans hump affects the driver and passengers. There
    have been some designs in which the accelerator pedal was
    uncomfortably far to the left... generally small cars, but I think the
    XJ6 was that way. In any case, when I started getting FWD company
    cars, I realized that in the previous RWD cars, I'd been resting my
    right foot against the trans tunnel. And without that tunnel, I had
    to retrain myself not to use the crutch of it to guide my right foot
    to the gas pedal.
    edward ohare, Feb 25, 2007
  7. Comments4u

    Brent P Guest

    Of course nobody could design a front wheel drive car poorly in any
    aspect..... And your driving habbits aren't everyones. I manage to keep my
    size 14s from rubbing on the carpet without even thinking of it and never
    noticed any difference going from a FWD car to RWD car or vise versa in
    that regard.
    Brent P, Feb 25, 2007
  8. Comments4u

    GeekBoy Guest

    No wind noise on mine

    Nice and quiet.
    GeekBoy, Feb 25, 2007
  9. Comments4u

    Dave Gower Guest

    Yeah I get it. You were grasping for a reply and missed. Nice try.
    Dave Gower, Feb 25, 2007
  10. Comments4u

    bjn Guest

    Don't know about that. ;)

    bjn, Feb 25, 2007
  11. Comments4u

    Bill Putney Guest

    That's the same way the government and the media treat our Social
    Secuity system - take money from it to pay their bils and then report
    that it's broke.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Feb 25, 2007
  12. Comments4u

    edward ohare Guest

    Well, they're going to have to make some concessions. At minimum, to
    provide the trans and rear suspension for the 300/Charger/Magnum on
    the cheap. New management possibly won't care much about the

    Nice article. I skimmed the info on the other cars. They claim the
    Cadillac torque steers because it has too much power. Wonder what
    they'd say if someone pointed out the LH cars didn't but the 4 cyl
    Chevy Citation did. They need to blame that on GM, not on engine
    edward ohare, Feb 25, 2007
  13. Comments4u

    Fred W Guest

    Fred W, Feb 25, 2007
  14. Which is part of the problem. Outside the US SUV's are increasingly seen as
    anti-green, anti pedestrian and un-cool. London (probably about half the
    NEW car market in the UK) has recently introduced a special £25 (~$50)
    charge for SUV's to drive in - three times that for ordinary cars.
    R. Mark Clayton, Feb 25, 2007
  15. Comments4u

    Dave Head Guest

    Yes, SOME, but very few, snow tires today use a hydrophilic compound that is
    markedly better on ice. Save that, the compound doesn't mean nearly as much as
    the tread pattern.

    I've driven the old snow tires and the new snow tires, and there's basically no
    difference between the old snow tires and what are now called "all terrain"
    tires, with the new snow tires being markedly worse than the old snow tires.

    Dave Head

    Dave Head, Feb 25, 2007
  16. Comments4u

    Dave Head Guest

    Er, yes they were. Bias / radial ply don't mean squat when you're attempting
    to power out of a snowdrift.
    You go right ahead. You will be stuck in the snow way before I will.

    Dave Head, Feb 25, 2007
  17. Comments4u

    Brent P Guest

    Go grow a clue.
    Brent P, Feb 25, 2007
  18. Comments4u

    Brent P Guest

    Well I suppose you could carry an extra 4 tires around and change them
    every time it starts snowing and when the snow ends.
    Get yourself a model T or a horse drawn wagon while you're at it.
    Brent P, Feb 25, 2007
  19. Comments4u

    Highcountry Guest

    Brent P, you made good normal sense to me. I also learned HOW to
    drive in emergency situations by practicing before I was involved in
    one. Ever wonder why police cruisers tend to be RWD? They have a
    few others, but they seldom use them for pursuit or high speed because
    the lives of their officers depend on it.

    Honda S2000, Mazda MX5 Miata, top line Lexus, top line Infinity, etc.;
    which end does the powering in these cars? Even the purveyors of FWD
    haulers of the masses know how to make a better car. Subaru solves
    the dilemma by powering both ends.

    Not trying to offend you folks, Bruce
    Highcountry, Feb 25, 2007
  20. (Brent P) said in
    I wouldn't mind RIDING in one, but I would not enjoy DRIVING one.
    Scott en Aztlán, Feb 25, 2007
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