Current Model Sebring/Stratus - Front-End "Creaking" Sound?

Discussion in 'Sebring' started by James C. Reeves, Jul 8, 2004.

  1. 2004 Sebring LXi Sedan (currently at 4400 miles). Perhaps this is normal since
    my wife's 2003 Stratus (currently at 13,300 miles) makes the same sound. Both
    have made the sound since new. When turning to the right into a driveway or
    parking space, there is a noticeable creaking sound from the front suspension
    heard from both inside and outside the car. I drive fairly gently, so it isn't
    a "hard" turn. Dealer has checked the suspension components and applied
    lubrication...nothing seems to help (on either car). They also say they have
    been unable to reproduce the noise. I'm about ready to write it off as a
    "normal" noise for this design of the's just a little annoying.
    Although my wife says she hasn't noticed it...she drives "harder" than I do and
    I don't notice it either when she drives. Anyway, anyone else out there
    experienced this?
    James C. Reeves, Jul 8, 2004
  2. James C. Reeves

    Glenn Shaw Guest

    Not in a Stratus, but I've been having this problem off and on for the
    past couple of years in my '98 Neon. I've also been experiencing the
    creaking going over bumps at slow speeds, but that seems to happen only
    after I've driven the car over bumpy roads for a while. (The creaking
    may also be happening at high speeds, but I can't tell for sure because
    of road noise.)

    I've taken my Neon to three different mechanics, and none of them were
    able to find the problem, much less reproduce the noise.
    Glenn Shaw, Jul 8, 2004
  3. James C. Reeves

    Robert Meyer Guest

    x-no-archive: yes
    2004 Stratus, 6300 mi, no creaks. 1997 Stratus, 102,000 mi, used to creak
    once and awhile - but went away. I think it was the sway bar bushings.
    Good luck.

    Robert Meyer, Jul 8, 2004
  4. James C. Reeves

    BeeP Guest

    Upper front strut bearings ?
    Good Luck.

    BeeP, Jul 8, 2004
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