Crysler voyager -95 3.3l Backfiring in aircleaner

Discussion in 'Voyager' started by Janne S Sweden, Oct 16, 2004.

  1. My Voyager is backfiring in the aircleaner at 3700-4000 rpm when i
    drive it and if the gearbox is in park and i rev it up to the above
    rpm. It starts to missfire slightly and if i press the gas even more
    it will backfire so much that i even blown a aircleaner top off. This
    happens almost everyday but sometimes it will run perfektly. I´ve
    changed wires and plugs whith no change.
    There is no error code in the "check engine lamp" only 55.

    Is there someone that can help me, i´m going crazy over this.
    I´ve read a lot about mis/backfiring here, but nobody seems to have
    exactly the same problem as me. meaning at a specific rpm regardless
    of load/uphill/downhill/decelerating/in-gear and so on.

    Help please!!!!!!!!

    Janne S Sweden, Oct 16, 2004
  2. Janne S  Sweden

    PC Medic Guest

    timing ???
    PC Medic, Oct 16, 2004
  3. Janne S  Sweden

    maxpower Guest

    spark and fuel pressure is not monitored by the pcm to set a fault code, you
    may have very well damaged the coil. especially if you kept driving it with
    this problem
    maxpower, Oct 16, 2004
  4. Janne S  Sweden

    jdoe Guest

    I"d do a coil pack, wires, and plugs.
    jdoe, Oct 17, 2004
  5. Does your state have an emissions check? An EGR valve stuck closed
    might cause this, and if your car has high NoX emissions that's the EGR.
    Sometimes when this valve fails it won't set a code.

    Did someone replace the plugs with a set that have the wrong heat

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Oct 17, 2004
  6. Janne S  Sweden

    maxpower Guest

    EGR valve will not cause this stuck open or closed
    maxpower, Oct 17, 2004
  7. Yes we have pretty hard emission checks here in Sweden, almost like in
    California i think. We check the car and emissions every year.
    I thougt that it may be the lamda some time ago, but the emissions was
    perfekt in the test.
    Janne S Sweden, Oct 17, 2004
  8. Sorry, there is no way to set the timing.

    Janne S Sweden, Oct 17, 2004
  9. I have thougt about the fuelfilter before but i don´t think that´s it
    i can load the car with a big boggie caravan and it works fine in the
    range under the 3700rpm whith the gaspedal to the floor. So i tink it
    gets all the fuel it want´s.
    Janne S Sweden, Oct 17, 2004
  10. Have them check the emissions again if you can get it done for free - here
    in Oregon you can, the state inspection stations will test for free.

    Have someone put a scope on the ignition system.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Oct 18, 2004
  11. I checked two weeks ago at a friends workshop and it was perfekt,i
    checked the timing on the ignition as well.
    What i don´t understand is why it starts to mess around at that
    specific rpm.

    If i slowly goes up to 3700 rpm with gearbox locked in position 2 the
    engine will stall and lack power and sligthly miss in the ignition and
    while it´s doing that the rpm gauge will go crazy and be all over the
    place. If i continue to press on the gaspedal it would miss even more
    and in the end start exploding in the air cleaner. If i would go about
    55 m/h (90km/h)and try to accelerate so the kickdown engages, it would
    shift down and just blow the top of the aircleaner, belive me i tried,
    it blow the plastic hinges right off.

    Janne S
    (By the way,Sweden is a country next to Norway and Denmark)
    Janne S Sweden, Oct 18, 2004
  12. What is the engine size? 3.0?

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Oct 19, 2004
  13. Crysler voyager -95 (3.3L) Backfiring in aircleaner

    Janne S Sweden, Oct 19, 2004
  14. Janne S  Sweden

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Replace the spark plug wires. This is fairly common symptom when they are
    defective . At the vehicle's age I'd bet on this being the cause of your

    Bob Shuman, Oct 19, 2004
  15. Done that...twice!! and plugs.
    First with aftermarket cables,now original wires and new plugs for
    about 40$(295SEK) a piece. Not cheap but will stay in the car for the
    next 3-4 years and thats nice.We all know how much fun it is to cange
    plugs on this car ;-)
    Janne S Sweden, Oct 20, 2004
  16. Does any Chrysler mechanic out there know if somthing special happens
    in that rpm range (3700-4000rpm). If extra fuel is added or if
    ignition timing is radically changed or something like that????.
    Could the problem be a faulty computer unit??.
    And why does it sometime work perfectly, it has nothing to do with
    weather conditions dry/wet/hot or cold.

    Janne S
    Janne S Sweden, Oct 20, 2004
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