Credit Card Scam -- should I cancel my card??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dan, Feb 28, 2005.

  1. Dan

    Dan Guest

    While paying bills this weekend, my wife found a charge on a VISA card
    for $9.99 from something listed as kcsoftllc. We assumed it was a
    software upgrade, or something similar, from KC Software. My annual
    subscription to Norton Anti-Virus was coincidentally on the same bill.
    But neither of us could remember charging anything for the computer
    for $9.99. A little digging turned up this link:

    The charge was bogus, and we have reported it to VISA. Most people
    don't bother to research or dispute a charge of less than $10,
    especially if the VISA bill is several hundred dollars. Even VISA
    doesn't seem to really care.

    There is an interesting twist, in that they KC Soft will respond (sort
    of) if you complain to them Then they want you to fill out a
    complaint form with all your personal financial data. Whoa!!

    Now the debate begins on whether we should cancel the
    credit card, or not. Clearly, it's been compromised once.

    Thoughts or suggestions?

    Dan, Feb 28, 2005
  2. Dan

    Art Guest

    Keep the card and throw away the form and watch for future charges. Tell
    visa you never did business with them and if they want send them the form
    for the fraud department.
    Art, Mar 1, 2005
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