Court asked to stop Chrysler sale, liberals gnash teeth as another American business gutting halts.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Anonymous Remailer, Jun 7, 2009.


    Pension funds opposed to Chrysler's sale to Fiat have asked the
    US Supreme Court to block the deal immediately.

    Three Indiana state pension and construction funds filed papers
    at the court on Sunday calling for the sale to be halted so they
    can pursue an appeal.

    It comes after a US appeals court approved Chrysler's sale to a
    group led by Fiat, a union-aligned trust and the US and Canadian

    Chrysler entered bankruptcy protection in April after falling
    vehicle sales.

    US carmakers have suffered from a massive slump in sales during
    the recession.

    Fund assets

    The US government has backed its sale to the Fiat-led
    consortium, which would see it emerge from bankruptcy.

    Fiat would control 20% of Chrysler, while 68% would be owned by
    a union trust, and the two governments would share 12%.

    However, the pension funds, which hold about $42m (£26.3m) of
    Chrysler's $6.9bn in secured loans, are opposed to the sale.

    They say it inverts usual bankruptcy practice and unlawfully
    rewards unsecured creditors, such as the union, ahead of secured

    'Critical issues'

    The emergency legal request from the Indiana State Police
    Pension Fund, the Indiana Teacher's Retirement Fund and the
    state's Major Moves Construction Fund goes before Justice Ruth
    Bader Ginsburg.

    It calls for a block on the sale until 1600 local time in New
    York (2100 BST) on Monday.

    The judge can act on her own or refer the matter to the full
    court, when a vote from five of the nine Supreme Court members
    would be needed to put the Chrysler sale on hold.

    The legal filings call on the court to "decide critical,
    nationally significant legal issues relating to management of
    the economy by the United States government".

    If the sale is put on hold by the court, the Indiana funds would
    then pursue a full appeal.

    If the deal is not completed by 15 June then Fiat, which is not
    paying anything for its 20% stake, has the option of pulling out.
 Anonymous Remailer, Jun 7, 2009
  2. Anonymous Remailer

    MoPar Man Guest

    Pension funds opposed to Chrysler's sale to Fiat have asked the
    I thought Fiat wasn't going to spend a dime on anything related to their
    interaction with Chrysler?

    And if anything, that they'd be recieving money from Chrysler to cover
    the costs of transferring any assets to US / Canada (or, more likely,
    Mexico) as part of re-tooling to build Fiat-based Chrysler vehicles in
    north america.
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the word "sale" pertain to an
    exchange of money or currency, as opposed to the words barter, exchange,
    or partnership?

    It's my understanding that Fiat was not so much "buying" part of
    Chrysler, but that it was simply being given a 20% ownership stake in
    return for something nebulous called "access". As in access to Fiat's
    small car platforms. In other words, Fiat would presumably make their
    platform designs and parts supply chain available to Chrysler in
    exchange for 20% ownership.

    In order for Chrysler to actually execute this plan, they'd have to
    spend their own money to tool-up their plants to actually build or
    assemble these Fiat-based cars in north america. Fiat will send
    absolutely no $$$ to Chrysler to help do this.

    So again, the use of the term "sale" here is misleading, unless there
    have been new developments and Fiat will indeed send Chrysler some cash.
    MoPar Man, Jun 7, 2009
  3. Anonymous Remailer

    Bill Putney Guest

    All costs to all parties involved in any of this to be borne by the
    taxpayer. :)
    Bill Putney, Jun 7, 2009
  4. Anonymous Remailer

    News Guest

    Especially after FIAT walks without further obligation on June 15th.
    News, Jun 7, 2009
  5. Anonymous Remailer

    MoPar Man Guest

    But the way that the Fiat - Chrysler deal is structured, there is no
    cash changing hands directly between them either now or in the immediate
    future as far as I know.

    So I don't understand how Fiat is "buying" Chrysler.

    Sure, Chrysler is receiving cash from both the US and Canadian gov'ts,
    and who knows - maybe Fiat is recieving cash from the Italian gov't.
    But none of that cash is crossing the ocean in either direction as far
    as I can tell.
    What obligation does Fiat have with Chrysler at the moment (other than
    vague "sharing" of "technology") ?

    And what happens on June 15, and why?
    MoPar Man, Jun 7, 2009
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