Consumer Reports Comparisons this month

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Nomen Nescio, Apr 9, 2005.

  1. Nomen Nescio

    Nomen Nescio Guest

    Read the article through and through. Notice the Honda has comparable
    performance parameters as the others, but does it with a smaller engine and
    lower fuel consumption.

    It is also several hundred pounds lighter which goes a long way towards
    explaining why it can do it.

    Some of you equate weight with safety, yet the Probe weighs a lot more than
    the Honda but flunked out on safety. A non-technical reason why weight has
    little to do with safety is the fact that while heavier is stronger, a
    heavier car hits harder, the two being exclusive conditions. Or put
    another way, when a 6900 ton nuclear sub recently ran aground at speed, a
    submariner was killed and 23 others injured from the impact and the sub
    severely damaged.
    Nomen Nescio, Apr 9, 2005
  2. Nomen Nescio

    Larry Crites Guest

    Forget Consumer Reports.

    Behold Beware Believe

    | Read the article through and through. Notice the Honda has comparable
    | performance parameters as the others, but does it with a smaller engine
    | lower fuel consumption.
    | It is also several hundred pounds lighter which goes a long way towards
    | explaining why it can do it.
    | Some of you equate weight with safety, yet the Probe weighs a lot more
    | the Honda but flunked out on safety. A non-technical reason why weight
    | little to do with safety is the fact that while heavier is stronger, a
    | heavier car hits harder, the two being exclusive conditions. Or put
    | another way, when a 6900 ton nuclear sub recently ran aground at speed, a
    | submariner was killed and 23 others injured from the impact and the sub
    | severely damaged.
    Larry Crites, Apr 10, 2005
  3. Nomen Nescio

    SRG Guest

    Forget Nomen.....
    SRG, Apr 12, 2005
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