Complete Air Bag System Replacement for PTC

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Nobody, Nov 9, 2006.

  1. Nobody

    Nobody Guest

    I have a 2001 PTC, 5 speed, 61k miles, only owner. No accidents or
    hits. Extended warranty (4yr/50k) expired in Feb 2005.

    In June 2005 my air bag light stayed on and chimed when starting. Went
    to a local dealer. Diagnosed problem as bad harness. Said that only
    the passenger side air bag would not deploy. Estimated $700-800 range to
    fix. I declined due to lack of money at the time and that I rarely had
    a passenger.

    In Aug 2006 decided to have it fixed as I might sell the car early next
    year. I went to a second dealer. They diagnosed same problem. Gave me
    option of harness replacement at around $800, or to hardwire it for
    $338. Went with the second option. 6 weeks later in Oct air bag came
    back on intermittently. Went back to dealer (90 day warranty on
    repairs). Since the light was not on at the time I brought it in the
    second time, they could not diagnose the problem, but did confirm that
    the air bag fault codes were in the computer to show that air bag light
    had gone off since the repair attempt. They told me to come in when the
    light was on. Did this yesterday over three weeks since second visit.
    They gave me an estimated repair cost (parts, labor, taxes) of $4900 or
    $4600 when subtracting my previous repair costs for this problem. They
    reset the computer fault codes and that light is off now. But for how
    long? I was told by dealer two’s service department that when the air
    bag light is on, none of the air bags would work in a crash. Not a
    pleasant thought.

    What should I do about this? I think this is absurd. A major safety
    system failure that requires about ¼ of the value of what I paid for the
    car new. The service department admitted that they were only eight of
    one of the required parts in Chrysler’s entire parts inventory and that
    this failure was unheard of by him.

    I feel I should not be stuck for this much to repair a manufacturer
    fault. Does anyone know the name/address of the regional Chrysler
    manager? I live in Las Vegas Nevada.

    Thanks for any help and suggestions.
    Nobody, Nov 9, 2006
  2. Nobody

    damnnickname Guest

    In the back of your owners manual
    damnnickname, Nov 9, 2006
  3. Nobody

    kmatheson Guest

    Does Nevada have a "lemon law?" I think that the best that you could
    hope for would be arbitration, if it is offered in Nevada. Even if they
    side with you, the best that you could hope for would be for Chrysler
    to buy it back. If they do, they will do so at "fair market value."
    This would not be fair since the vehicle may be "unsellable" with a
    malfunctioning air bag system. They would also deduct an amount for
    mileage driven since they would argue that you have gotten "x" number
    of miles out of the vehicle.

    There may be some legal avenues to explore too. I will let those that
    are legal savy respond to that possibility.

    kmatheson, Nov 9, 2006
  4. Nobody

    Nobody Guest

    Doh! Guess the obvious is not always the first place to look. Thanks.
    Nobody, Nov 9, 2006
  5. Nobody

    Art Guest

    Some people don't like airbags. Try selling it to someone like that.
    Art, Nov 9, 2006
  6. Nobody

    philthy Guest

    what is the airbag fault ocdes??
    philthy, Nov 11, 2006
  7. If you paid via credit card for the first repair I'd file a chargeback
    with the card company and let the shop take me to small claims court.
    They would lose. A warranty is a warranty. If they cannot honor it,
    they have to refund your money.

    The $4900 is a "go away and stop bothering me" quote. If they had
    originally told you either $338 or $4900 then that would be one thing.
    But they didn't. The deal you now need to make with them is
    "give me my $338 back and I'll go away and you won't
    have to deal with this repair, or I'll sue you" I would bet they would
    take it.
    Why? The air bags do absolutely nothing if your wearing a seat belt.
    In fact, given a choice between being saved by an airbag and being
    saved by a seat belt, your going to suffer a LOT more damage to your
    body from the airbag.

    Gee willikers, what did they do before air bags? Wow I guess
    everyone died in car wrecks!!! Sheesh!!!
    Air bags are not a major safety system. They only protect people
    who are too stupid to wear seat belts, who arguably we would be
    better off if they were removed from the gene pool as a result of
    getting killed in car wrecks.

    Seriously, your making a mountain out of a molehill. Did you know that
    there are car crashes where the airbags didn't deploy but they
    should have? Are you really going to trust your life to an air bag
    Frankly, I question the entire diagnosis. Obviously the fault is in the
    passenger airbag, right? If so, then a simple test would be to unplug
    the passenger airbag, and put in a resistor that would simulate the
    air bag ignightor then drive it around for a couple of weeks and see
    if the light came on again. That hasn't been done, why are they so
    sure its the harness?

    I'll bet that some tech scanned the air bag computer, got passenger bag
    fault, unplugged the passenger bag, tested it with an ohmmeter, got
    continuity on the ignightor, and said "it must be the harness"

    You could just as easily have a vibration-senstive ignitor in the air
    bag itself that is going intermittent. Or a bad air bag computer. Or
    bad contacts on the plug at the bag computer. There's a lot of much
    more likely things than the wiring harness.
    Your only going to get stuck for that if you agree to pay it. And this is
    the same repair shop that did a warrantied repair that failed within the
    warranty time, and is now trying to stall you until past the warranty
    period it looks like. And your going to trust them with another repair?

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Nov 18, 2006
  8. Nobody

    philthy Guest

    dude you have the wrong info about air bags! and alot of cars have
    pretensoners so that when a airbag deploys the seat belt places you in the
    proper position in the seat so it does not snap your neck when it does ignite
    the seat belts are a integrated part of the passive restraints system that's
    why they are called safety restraint system (srs)
    and now with side bags systems it's even more important to be bucked in
    when i was in high school a friend and i was racing a mustang with a cougar
    and after we won the drag we came into a corner to fast and went side ways at
    90 and (we were told later that we were on 2 wheels) i looked out the pass
    window only to the ground 1 foot from the window, had i not had my belt on i
    more than likely would have fell out. so since then i have worn seat belts
    even before it was a law.
    3 years ago i was driving down a main road and due to anything beyond my
    control i had to rear end the back of a truc with my dakota and the at 50 it
    was quite a hit and without my belts and airbag i would not be typing this so
    i have first hand knowledge what can happen. i was able to get out and walk
    around with only cuts on my hand were it went thru the windshield
    better get your facts right
    philthy, Nov 18, 2006
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