2001 limited 42000 miles Just got a check engine light and parked the car for a couple of days until I could get around to it. Ran the codes and got a 0700. The list on [URL]http://www.ptcruizer.com/computer-codes.html[/URL] isn't all the helpful. It says for code 700 "The automatic transmission computer has a problem - ask it what's going on. I don't know. All I know is that the transmission asked me to turn on the MIL (malfunction indicator light). I did it, didn't I? So why are you bugging ME? ... you may have error code 1776, too. I'd check for that. It's patriotic and more informative." Funny, but not very useful. Code 1776 (which I DO NOT have) is "Chrysler Solenoid Switch Valve Latched in LR Position (this is a transmission issue which may involve replacing the valve body and solenoid pack; on some models there is a TSB on this problem so be firm with your dealer / Chrysler)." Anybody have any experience with both or either of these codes and can give me an idea of what $$$ I might be looking at? I ask 'cause I know the AC is out and it is likely (almost for sure according to my mechanic (not a chrysler guy)) the compressor. The mechanic also said the there is a good chance the expansion valve will have to be replaced as well. That's 1000-1200 bucks in repairs and if I'm looking at another chunk o' change for transmission work I'm just going to sell it and get what I can. Thanks in advance for any help.