Code 700

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Kevin, Mar 8, 2007.

  1. Kevin

    Kevin Guest

    2001 limited 42000 miles

    Just got a check engine light and parked the car for a couple of days
    until I could get around to it. Ran the codes and got a 0700. The list
    on isn't all the helpful.
    It says for code 700 "The automatic transmission computer has a problem
    - ask it what's going on. I don't know. All I know is that the
    transmission asked me to turn on the MIL (malfunction indicator light).
    I did it, didn't I? So why are you bugging ME? ... you may have error
    code 1776, too. I'd check for that. It's patriotic and more
    informative." Funny, but not very useful.

    Code 1776 (which I DO NOT have) is "Chrysler Solenoid Switch Valve
    Latched in LR Position (this is a transmission issue which may involve
    replacing the valve body and solenoid pack; on some models there is a
    TSB on this problem so be firm with your dealer / Chrysler)."

    Anybody have any experience with both or either of these codes and can
    give me an idea of what $$$ I might be looking at? I ask 'cause I know
    the AC is out and it is likely (almost for sure according to my mechanic
    (not a chrysler guy)) the compressor. The mechanic also said the there
    is a good chance the expansion valve will have to be replaced as well.
    That's 1000-1200 bucks in repairs and if I'm looking at another chunk o'
    change for transmission work I'm just going to sell it and get what I can.

    Thanks in advance for any help.
    Kevin, Mar 8, 2007
  2. Kevin

    Bill Putney Guest

    The code description should have also said that more specific
    information could be pulled by the dealer using a DRB scanning tool.

    Posts about this code occurring with no other symptoms occur on the 300M
    Club every once in a while. The consensus there is to clear the code
    and if it doesn't come back, ignore it. If it comes back, then pay the
    delaer to read the TCM with the DRB scanner.

    FYI, of the several posts that mention this code on the 300M Club, a few
    times, it accompanied limp mode (likely a tranny speed sensor problem),
    but you didn't mention that in your case; some people reported no
    symptoms, but torque converter or solenoid pack failure shortly after
    the first appearance of the code (which is an argument for having the
    DRB scan done now in case you can head off more expensive problems); and
    some reported resetting it, and experiencing no problems or subsequent
    codes thereafter.

    HTH. Oh - check fluid level.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Mar 8, 2007
  3. Kevin

    Kevin Guest

    Just back from the Chrysler Dealer......

    TCM Replaced
    Solenoid replaced (leaking)

    850 bucks later (+ some more $$$ for some other issues) and I'm good.

    Further information on the problem. The light came on when I was half a
    block from the house. I shut the car off, reset the gas cap (hey, ya'
    never know!) and turned the car back on. The CEL was still lit so I
    turned around, went home, got the other car and left the cruiser in the
    garage for a couple of weeks 'till I got around to it. Disconnected the
    battery for a few hours and the CEL didn't go away. When I drove to the
    dealer it was in limp mode.

    Bill, thanks for your input on the problem. You are a great resource
    for the newsgroup.

    Kevin, Mar 21, 2007
  4. Kevin

    Bill Putney Guest

    Well, you're welcome! And thank you.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Mar 21, 2007
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