Code 21

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dave, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. Dave

    Dave Guest

    I have a 1996 Plymouth Grand Voyager SE with a 3.3L. The check engine
    light has intermittently come on. Some times it will remain lit for
    the entire time that the engine is running, other times it won't light
    for a month. The key on-off method displays a code 21, which according
    to my manual is the O2 sensor. Is there any way of telling if it's the
    upper or lower sensor, without spending $150.00 for both?
    Dave, Jul 6, 2005
  2. Dave

    M. Blomquist Guest

    I've had the same thing going on for a couple months now, same vehicle too.
    It will stay off for a couple weeks and then back on again for a couple
    days. I purchased an Actron OBD II scanner, read the codes, and found out
    it is the upstream sensor. Rather difficult to get to, probably have to
    pull the intake manifold. I'm waiting for cooler weather before I attempt
    that. Maybe you know someone who has a scanner you could borrow, or pull in
    to Autozone or Checker and get a free scan. Also, haven't had much luck in
    finding a proper tool to remove/replace the device. The upstream sensor
    sits in a hollow on top of the exhaust manifold junction where you can't get
    a wrench on it so you need one of those special sockets with a cut-away to
    clear the wiring. I can't find one long enough to accept the size of this
    new Bosch O2 sensor.
    M. Blomquist, Jul 7, 2005
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