Code 1698

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by KWS, Dec 9, 2007.

  1. KWS

    KWS Guest

    Our '96 T&C (184K miles) has been intermittently showing this code,
    mostly in the mornings when it is cold. Driving it for a short time
    causes the problem to "resolve" itself.

    The transmission selector shows boxes around all gear choices (so you
    cannot tell by looking at the instrument which is selected); the
    speedometer does not work; the check engine light is on; the
    transmission is in "limp in" mode and the scanner shows 1698 (no signal
    from transmission module).

    First guess: it's likely a connection issue. Is this the big connector
    right below the battery box? If so, I'll open it up, inspect the
    connections, clean what I can with alcohol and compressed air and put it
    back together.

    Unless, of course, someone has a better suggestion or another diagnosis.

    Thanks in advance,


    p.s. Ignore my posting "Dashboard lights hesitation" from yesterday
    KWS, Dec 9, 2007
  2. I worked on a '96 Caravan with the same symptoms that the fuse for the TCM
    in the underhood box had corroded through so I swapped in the hazard light
    fuse IIRC and all was well.
    Daniel Who Wants to Know, Dec 9, 2007
  3. KWS

    KWS Guest

    Thanks, Daniel.

    I could not determine which fuse was protecting the TCM, so I took a
    look at the worst looking one or two. There was some corrosion, but the
    engaged portions of the contacts looked OK. I cleaned them up and stuck
    them back in.

    I would appreciate knowing exactly which fuse you replaced. None say
    "TCM" on them.


    KWS, Dec 10, 2007
  4. I think it was labled EATX (Electronic Automatic TransaXle) but I could be
    wrong. It was a friend's van so I can't easily check to be sure.
    Daniel Who Wants to Know, Dec 11, 2007
  5. KWS

    KWS Guest

    Yep...that's one of the two I inspected. But, unfortunately, no go. It
    is still exhibiting "morning sickness".

    The interesting thing is that it is very deliberate in how it behaves
    and it seems to be totally thermally induced. With an intermittent there
    is a lack of stability, which this issue does not exhibit. I only have a
    Chilton/Haynes type manual which shows some "typical" wiring diagrams.
    I wonder if there is some type of thermal sensor that has gone bad,
    either external or internal to the TCM. Also on this data bus from the
    TCM is the overhead panel. When the problem occurs, certain information
    there is also not updated. This suggests that the code is correct and
    there is, indeed, no communications from the TCM.

    KWS, Dec 12, 2007
  6. KWS

    Bill Putney Guest

    Let me ask you: Would a "typical" highway map, say, one showing how to
    get from LA to Seattle, be of any use if you were driving from, say,
    Miami to Washington, D.C.? If the map from Miami to D.C. were $7, and
    the one from LA to Seattle were only $0.75, would the LA-to-Seattle map
    be the better buy? How is that any different than paying $15 for a
    manual with "typical" schematics because it is a lot cheaper than the
    $100 manual with the schematics that actually apply to your vehicle? It
    might even be worth $25 for a 1-year AllData on-line subscription just
    to have access to the accurate schematics right out of the FSM over your
    "typical" (i.e., worthless) Haynes schematics for this one-time
    immediate need.

    Sorry to butt in without offering help for your problem - if it was an
    LH car I might have something to offer. :)

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Dec 13, 2007
  7. KWS

    KWS Guest

    Yea...I'm a cheap bastard, Bill. But think of it this way:
    Ahhhhhhh....the challenge!

    Actually, I took the advice of another poster years ago and glued all
    the pages to one another. This, unfortunately, makes it real hard to
    look anything up.

    KWS, Dec 13, 2007
  8. KWS

    maxpower Guest

    Ok Bill why do you have to pick on Washington DC folks?
    maxpower, Dec 13, 2007
  9. KWS

    KWS Guest

    Actually, max, I am in the San Francisco Bay area. We are used to being
    picked on (land of fruits and nuts; left coast; etc.)

    Any insights on my problem?


    KWS, Dec 14, 2007
  10. KWS

    maxpower Guest

    I was referring to myself. Anyway, you are having a bus
    failure.(communication between modules) A problem like that is very tricky
    to find unless it is happening at the time you are performing the test. It
    could be anywhere from a module shorting out to a harness problem. A scan
    tool is needed to see what modules are communicating over the bus to
    diagnose this problem.What you can do is directly under the battery tray
    are some connectors, access these to see what condition they are in. If
    battery acid drips and eats these up it will cause this kind of problem.
    That is where I would start.

    maxpower, Dec 14, 2007
  11. KWS

    KWS Guest

    Much appreciated. I'll check it out.

    KWS, Dec 15, 2007
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