CLS Review UK - "Almost flawless"

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dori A Schmetterling, Mar 21, 2005.

  1. Our dear motoring writer, Jeremy Clarkson, really likes the CLS...

    See the UK Sunday Times:,,12529-1531472_1,00.html

    Full text below my signature.


    For direct contact replace nospam with schmetterling
    Mercedes-Benz CLS 55 AMG
    By Jeremy Clarkson, Motoring Writer of the Year
    One of the all-time greats...(but can I have a green steering

    When Mercedes-Benz announced five years ago that it was going to
    make a car for everyone, I thought that was a figure of speech. But it seems
    Mercedes really is endeavouring to provide a different model for every
    single one of the world's 6.4 billion people.
    If you are an African dictator with a fuel expenses account paid
    by Bono and the World Bank you can have a large S-class with a sumptuous and
    turbocharged V12 engine. If you are a taxi driver in Geneva you can have the
    same car, but with diesel power and wipe-down seats. Then there's the
    Maybach, which so far as I can tell was made specifically for Simon Cowell.

    At the other end of the scale we find the A-class. It was
    developed after Merc bosses received a letter from a Mr Grant Neville of
    Huddersfield who said he wanted a car with two floors and five seats. Fine.
    Mr Neville was very happy.

    But then they got another letter from a Signor Olivio Pagnietta
    of Pisa who said he wanted a car exactly the same size as an A-class and
    with exactly the same number of seats. But only one floor. So they came up
    with the Vaneo.

    We see a similar everyman policy with the E-class saloon. They
    made a version for some chap in Ottawa who wanted a top speed of 145mph. And
    then a businesswoman from Madrid said she liked the car very much but wanted
    a top speed of 143mph. So they did another model to oblige.

    This opened the floodgates so now there is an E-class with every
    top speed you can think of. There's even an E-class with a big Chrysler body
    on it called the 300C. And if you want the same car but 250mm shorter,
    sell you a C-class, which comes with a range of engines more infinite than
    space. Does sir want 122bhp, or 143 or maybe 150? We can also do 162, 177,
    192, 218, 229, 255 or 367. Basically, you can pick any number you like.

    Now this policy of meeting all requirements, no matter how
    ludicrous, is extremely good news for you and me. But it is jolly expensive
    from Merc's point of view. You see, when someone wrote to say they lived in
    Paris and wanted a small, easy-to-repair plastic car that could be parked
    nose-on to the pavement, Mercedes set up the Smart division which last year
    lost a reported £250m.

    I'm delighted to say, however, that this hasn't stopped them, a
    point that becomes blindingly obvious when you look at the range of coupés.
    There's the C-class, the SLK, the SL, the CLK, the CLK convertible and the
    CL. All of which are available with a choice of 2m engines and 14,000 option

    But this wasn't good enough for Hans Beckenbaur, a flour
    merchant from Dortmund, who wanted a car that looked like a coupé but was in
    fact a four-door saloon.

    Mercedes was horrified that he'd exposed a gap in its line-up
    and immediately set about filling it with the car you see here, the CLS.

    It is a Marmite car, I know. You either love it or you've put
    down your newspaper and run from the room retching. I'm in the love camp.

    So far as I'm concerned this is certainly the most spectacular
    looking car Mercedes has made and possibly one of the all time greats from

    Those slim windows and pillarless doors put me in mind of the
    Batmobile, while the rear lights are similar to the Starship Enterprise's
    exhaust vents. But the best thing is that the CLS looks more expensive than
    it is. Prices start at a little more than £40,000, which is roughly half
    what I was expecting them to be.

    I almost didn't want to drive it. I feared that it would be a
    bit like actually meeting Uma Thurman. It might be a let-down. It might not
    be able to cash the cheques that its glorious styling was writing.

    So I started in the back, where you'd expect the sloping roofline to
    make the accommodation suitable only for Anne Boleyn. But no. There are only
    two seats rather than three, but there is enough room for non-amputees to
    stretch out and relax. Even I fitted and I have the body and legs of an
    The front, though, that's where you want to be. Because although the
    CLS is based on the ordinary E-class, it's actually 40% stiffer. Which means
    it's 40% more sporty. And to make the recipe even better, the car I tested
    had a 5.5 litre supercharged AMG V8. The engine that sounds like a second
    world war fighter and goes like a modern day rocket.

    Sadly, because it has such a rich seam of weapons-grade torque, Herr
    Beckenbaur's car has to make do with the old five-speed automatic gearbox.
    It would rip Merc's new seven-speeder to shreds. They say, as always, that
    the power of this engine is so brutish that the top speed of the car has to
    be electronically checked at 155mph. But I saw 175 on the speedo, and it was
    still climbing like a bat out of hell when I ran out of road and had to hit
    the brakes.

    Aaaaargh. They were astonishing. Mash your foot onto the brake pedal
    and I'm not joking, it really does feel like your face is being torn off.
    The g forces are so immense it actually hurts.

    This is because the CLS uses the same technology we first saw on the
    McLaren SLR. When it's wet, the pads pulse slightly to keep the discs dry,
    and if you lift your foot off the throttle in a big hurry the computer
    system notices and orders the braking system to tense so it's ready for some

    And what's more, it's the brakes that are also used to keep the car in
    check should you find yourself on a motorway exit road going little bit
    faster than is prudent.

    Even if you have the traction control system turned off, Big Brother
    is still awake, and if he detects the onset of a slide, the offending wheel
    is individually reined in without you having to do a thing. It all sounds
    too brilliant for words. But after just 10 minutes of hard use, the Mercedes
    Achilles heel reared its ugly head.

    The whole dashboard went bright red as the on-board Blair delivered
    the bad news. "Brakes overheated. Drive carefully."

    Mercedes says it's cut its profits from £3 billion to £1 billion a
    year in a drive to improve quality. But I fear it may have to cut them still

    Certainly, some of the trim pieces on the CLS are a bit low rent. The
    plastic on to which the seat massage button is mounted looks like it's come
    off a Hyundai.

    But then, if I'm being honest this is nitpicking, and I really was
    brutal with the brakes. So let's give Herr Beckenbaur's car the benefit of
    the doubt. I certainly want to, because it was a gem; fast, handsome, well
    priced, comfortable and blessed with a handling balance that's pretty close
    to perfect.

    And here's the thing. To hammer the point home about Merc's
    car-for-everyone policy, I was going to sign off by listing a number of
    stupid small changes that I'd like to see on a CLS if I were to buy one. It
    was going to be stuff like a green steering wheel and a 5.6 litre engine
    instead of a 5.5.

    But you know what. In truth, I can't think of a damn thing I'd like
    changed. I'd take it as it is.


    Model Mercedes CLS 55 AMG
    Engine type V8, 5439cc
    Power 476bhp @ 6100rpm
    Torque 516 lb ft @ 4500rpm
    Fuel/CO2 21mpg (combined) / 326g/km
    Acceleration 0-62mph: 4.7sec
    Top speed 155mph
    Price £70,565
    Verdict Almost flawless
    Rating 4/5
    Dori A Schmetterling, Mar 21, 2005
  2. Sorry, wrong group. Still, it may interest you here as it in the DC group.


    For direct contact replace nospam with schmetterling
    Dori A Schmetterling, Mar 21, 2005
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