Chyrsler Quality

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Richard, Oct 31, 2003.

  1. Richard

    Richard Guest

    Just picked up a new Town and Country Limited. Perhaps to support the
    generous rebates I noted that Chrysler has replaced the Mich MX4 tires with
    the decidedly inferior and less expensive OEM Bridgestone EL42's. Also, the
    quality of the leather used on the seats is nothing like the quality used in
    the past in this vehicle. It now looks just like vinyl and is quite stiff.

    As for quality, the front window came with significant optical distortion,
    the plastic molding for the upper dash has molding defects one would not
    expect to see in a Yugo. Don't get me wrong, we like the vehicle a lot, but
    Chrysler could forgo movable pedals for better tires, and could pay closer
    attention to the quality of the parts it receives from suppliers. On this
    point Consumer Reports had it right, I am sad to say.

    Richard, Oct 31, 2003
  2. Richard

    MoPar Man Guest

    That explains it. Who cares. It's a small bus. After all, it's not
    like you bought it because you wanted to impress the chicks. It's
    basic mass-transportation. It's ain't no sports sedan. (yea, I know
    the flames are coming. You're wasting your time).
    What - you think you're driving a sports car?
    How are they going to sell the mini-bus to short soccer moms who don't
    driver faster than 30 mph in the rain?

    Seriously, if you think Chrysler made a bad move swapping better tires
    with movable pedals then you bought the wrong vehicle.
    MoPar Man, Nov 1, 2003
  3. Richard

    fiberman Guest

    On my 300M (2001) all the windows except the rear window, have significant
    optical distortion. But the people from Chrysler are unwilling, or unwanting
    to see it.
    fiberman, Nov 1, 2003
  4. Richard

    SaintDan Guest

    OK... so you must have test drove the van before you bought it - or did you?
    NO....THEN WHY THE HELL DID YOU BUY IT? And if you did look at a simular
    van from Toyoto or GM, I am sure it would have been thousands of dollars
    more. You get what you pay for. as they say. OHHH... and Yea... it is really
    only a "Mommy Car" :)

    SaintDan, Nov 1, 2003
  5. Richard

    Richard Guest

    You get what you pay for. as they say. OHHH... and Yea... it is really
    Yes, that was my point. Chrysler is fighting the rebate wars it must fight
    and financing that, in part, by switching to less expensive leather and
    tires. But even with its flaws, the vehicle is very nice for the price. But
    if Chrysler thinks that all it needs to fight Honda and Toy is to put in
    folding middle and rear seats, I think that may be a mistake. Quality and
    dependability is what will sell these vehicles without huge rebates, IMO. As
    it stands the Town and Country Limited with DVD display and sunroof was
    still 5 to 8 thousands dollars less than the Honda and Toy. It may be a
    mom's car, but I will smile when I switch the OEM tires for new Mich Hydro
    tires for an extra $300.00.

    Richard, Nov 1, 2003
  6. really

    But, the real warning that your missing is that it seems comparing the
    current year's
    interation with a prior year, the current year is lacking.

    If the current T&C is made worse and designed worse than, say, a 5 year old
    T&C, then
    in my opinion you have a problem. That's a linear progression which is
    going to end
    the vehicle model going to the Great Auto Graveyard in the Sky.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Nov 3, 2003
  7. Richard

    Art Begun Guest

    A few weeks ago I was at a Chrysler lot looking at the Pacifica.
    Started looking at new 300M's to see the changes from my 99. The trim
    around the windshields of every one I looked at was put in
    defectively. I can imagine anyone interested in buying one would exit
    quickly after looking at the obviously poor assembly.
    Art Begun, Nov 4, 2003
  8. Sounds like we can blame that on Juergen Schrempp's management team. The
    agitation about the decline in quality -- interior included -- of the
    Mercedes-Benz Division is enormous.

    Dori Schmetterling, Nov 4, 2003
  9. Richard

    Art Begun Guest

    To clarify, the windshield trim I was talking about was on the outside
    of the car so the sloppiness was obvious to the casual observer.
    Basically the black side molding of the windshield were only half
    installed on the several 300M's I was near.
    Art Begun, Nov 4, 2003
  10. Richard

    John W Guest


    Thanks for saving me a trip to the Chrysler dealership. My 81 Plymouth
    Horizon had rust from day 1 and a sloppy paintjob with drip marks visible.
    I had thought that maybe...just MAYBE they would have their quality problems
    under control 22 years later.... I'll stick with Toyota and Honda.
    John W, Nov 5, 2003
  11. If you haven't owned a Chrysler in 20+ years, why do you still read this ng?

    Matthew S. Whiting, Nov 5, 2003
  12. Richard

    Art Begun Guest

    Well I have a 99 300M and a 2001 Avalon. The 300M is a superior car.
    But it sure looks like they are being sloppy putting the new ones
    together. Even so, if I was buying a similar sized car now, I would
    look for a well put together 300M and buy it over the Avalon. The
    300M may have some manufacturing defects that the dealer can fix but
    the Avalon has (in my opinion) major design flaws that cannot be
    Art Begun, Nov 5, 2003
  13. Richard

    Jp Guest

    I have a 94 New Yorker and I love it, no problems what so ever except for
    that regular maintanance, oil, aligment, filters, etc...Has150,000k driving
    40k every day for the past 2 years. Got it for $1,500 and now it looks like
    at least $3,000. I don't think I will ever buy a new car coz they are all
    the same, as long as you keep up with the maintanance, they'll last a while,
    I rather pay for a house, at least they go up in value and not down like all
    the cars do as soon as they leave the dealer.
    Check it out :
    Jp, Nov 11, 2003
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