Chrysler T&C Water Pump

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jb, Mar 22, 2009.

  1. jb

    jb Guest

    My 2003 3.8L T&C has a water pump leak. I got underneath and it looks
    pretty straight forward. Is there anything to be concerned about? Any
    tricks you can share?
    jb, Mar 22, 2009

  2. I recently replaced the water pump on my town and country 04. I
    removed the right front wheel and the liner between the wheel and the
    engine. I then removed the fan belt and loosened and removed the bolts
    the bolts on the pulley and water pump. At this point I found that
    there was not enough room between the body and the engine for the pump
    to come out. Checking with a Chrysler Mechinic he said to pry the
    engine toward the drivers side, taking special care to not pry on the
    timing cover. He said to keep the pry bar on a bolt. The clearance is
    the only problem that I had. Good Luck.

    everettcotton, Mar 22, 2009
  3. jb

    jb Guest

    Thanks I appreciate it.
    jb, Mar 22, 2009
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