Chrysler quality

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Art, Dec 8, 2005.

  1. Art

    Art Guest

    This is unrelated but I was just talking to someone who worked for a large
    rental company. He said that the agency kept only the best vehicles for
    their sales lot and whole-saled the rest so buying a used car from Avis, etc
    should be a good vehicle. Seems logical and something to consider for
    anyone buying a used car.

    Art, Dec 12, 2005
  2. I'm uncomfortable with Walmarts because of their employee practices and
    how they treat their employees. The parts are very uneven, that I'll
    grant you. Sometimes good and sometimes not so good. An auto parts
    store if a real auto parts store, that is connected to a machine shop
    somehow, tend to have much better parts.
    treeline12345, Dec 12, 2005
  3. I'm not familiar with the phrase, "ohm out." Is that to burn out a fuse
    since some older meters have quite a lot of current in their resistor
    testing circuits, like inexpensive analog meters.

    I think I see your point. A test light would require current or load to
    light the bulb. I wonder what the load would be for a small 12 volt
    test bulb versus the load from an old, inexpensive analog meter with
    its ohmmeter scale.
    treeline12345, Dec 12, 2005
  4. Art

    Bob Shuman Guest

    "Ohm out" (Glen's phrase, not mine, but was perfectly correct) means to
    measure the resistance in ohms using an ohm meter. No ohm meters ever
    produce high current. The older analog units used a higher voltage battery
    compared to newer DMMs of today, but they still had extremely high
    resistances so the currents were negligible.

    Bob Shuman, Dec 12, 2005
  5. I am not arguing about whether the phrase is correct. But it definitely
    seems that Glenn is says NOT to use an ohmmeter but a test light
    instead. Now whether this means to ohm out or not. I don't know. But
    intuitively it sounds as though the meter might affect the readings.
    And I could see this easily with cheap analog meters. I have used such
    meters. In fact, I used one to anti-polarize electrodes it used so much
    current in its readings. As I vaguely recall, expensive impedance
    meters could get around certain problems but that's not the case for
    simple continuity testing.

    The older AND inexpensive analog units did not have extremely high
    resistances and did have rather high current requirements. Offhand, I
    can recall using a cheap analog meter that had only 50,000 ohms
    resistance versus my digital meter which had 10,000,000 ohms
    resistance. This is a tremendous difference, of 200 times more
    resistance - assuming my recall is correct. My oscilloscope also uses
    10 megaohms of resistance. But that was a very high end analog
    Tektronix 'scope for its time.

    Both my analog and the digital each used the same voltage battery or
    batteries. I don't think I have ever seen a meter using high voltage
    batteries. What brands are you thinking of that do this? I have seen 5
    or 6 digit Flukes which use AC voltage but they are $1000+ meters. I do
    have a special HP millimeter that does not do resistances but uses AC
    voltage and is quite big and originally rather expensive.
    treeline12345, Dec 12, 2005
  6. Art

    Bill Putney Guest

    As Bob said, the phrase means to measure continuity with a handheld
    multimeter. When Glenn said "it is possible to ohm out a faulty fuse",
    he was saying that a bad fused could read good on an ohm meter because
    it (the meter) is pulling negligible current (i.e., the fuse could have
    a weak or intermittent connection that will show "good", that is low
    ohms, whereas if you run any sizable current at all in a weak or
    intermittent fuse, it will generally clear from the higher current thru
    the weak connection). You have to look at numbers - in some contexts,
    100 ohms is 'low resistance'. In other contexts, 0.5 ohms is 'high
    resistance'. Language alone doesn't do it.

    I don't know. But
    That's huge relative to the less than 1 ohm of a good or partially blown
    fuse. Like I said, in a discussion like this, words like 'high' and
    'low' are meaningless unless you define them. 50,000 ohms is at least 5
    orders of magnitude higher than an automotive fuse. Do some
    calculations for a resistor divider with a few volts across 50k ohms on
    top of 0.5 ohms. The voltage dropped across the 0.5 ohms (fuse) is
    Vapplied x 0.5/(50,000+0.5) . Even if you vary the 50,000 ohms by a
    factor of 10, the voltage across the fuse will be very small. Also the
    current is small. If V is 5 volts, the current would be 5/50,000 - a
    fraction of a milliamp.

    So now the current in the same scenario is 5/10,000,000, or 1/2 a
    microamp. Several orders of magnitude difference - yes - but to a good
    or weak fuse, both are as close to negligible as you can get.

    This is a tremendous difference, of 200 times more
    Special purpose resistance meters may have to pump some current in - in
    fact - that's what you have to do to get a meaningful reading on
    something as low in resistance as a fuse. In essence, that's what you
    are doing with the test light - you are putting enough current thru it
    so that you have some observable effect. But your typical hand-held
    meter is going to read close to 0 ohms regardles of the scale you use.
    ANd what little it reads above zero is going to be meter error (test
    lead resistance) - not anything meaningful. Also, with resistnaces ars
    low as fuses, you would need a four-lead probe for reasons that I won't
    go into here (hint: The lead tip contact resitances are significant
    relative to what you are trying to measure, so you have to somehow
    cancel those restistances out).

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Dec 12, 2005
  7. Art

    maxpower Guest

    It only takes one strand of wire to for an ohm meter to show continuity,
    place that one strand of wire in a circuit and it could fail causing the
    technician to run around in circles. I find it easier to use a load carrying
    device like the old test lites or fabricating a dome lite bulb with
    alligator clips to use as a testing device. I never use an ohm meter on

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Dec 12, 2005
  8. Art

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Bill Putney already wrote a detailed reply and Glen explained his preference
    for the use of a higher current light to test fuses so I will not address
    those here. What I do want to respond to is your one comment on your need
    to "anti-polarize electrodes" due to the meter "using so much current in its

    This is an obtuse statement and not clear to me at all what you were
    attempting to convey here. My guess is that at the time you might have been
    attempting to read an "in circuit resistance" using a meter and that when
    you changed the polarity of the test leads you got different readings. If
    so, then this was because the circuit had "active" semiconductor devices
    (e.g. diodes or transistors) and the voltage across the junction of the
    device (about .7 volts for silicon) was sufficient to generate a current
    through it thereby causing the meter to read differently when the junction
    was forward or reverse biased.

    Keep in mind that most ohm meters are simply a DC voltage source and a very
    high precision resistance. As such, the current flow is what is being
    measured and this is then converted to resistance using ohm's law by
    dividing the known voltage by the current flow that was measured.

    Regarding my statement that some older analog meters used higher voltages, I
    had an older Simpson analog meter that used a 9V "transistor radio style"
    battery. This compares to most DMMs today that use 2-4 standard 1.5V AA or
    AAA style batteries. As Bill accurately pointed out, the term higher is
    relative when comparing the 9V to the "lower" 3-6 volts used today.

    Bob Shuman, Dec 12, 2005
  9. Art

    Steve Guest

    Not if you do it right! If you mean it is possible for a bad fuse to
    look good if you just shove an ohmmeter across it without removing it
    from the car, I agree. But if you remove the bad fuse from the car and
    check it with an ohmmeter, you WILL NOT get a false-good reading.
    Steve, Dec 12, 2005
  10. Art

    maxpower Guest

    You sure could get a good reading with an ohm meter as you test a bad fuse
    in your hand.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Dec 12, 2005
  11. Art

    Steve Guest

    No way in hell, so long as the ohmmeter is on a low impedance setting
    (say 0-100 or 0-200 ohms) that pushes more current than using
    "autorange" which tries to measure in the mega-ohm range. Auto-ranging
    meters are of the devil. :) Well, they do have uses, but you can't just
    leave them on autorange all the time. That's what gets people into
    trouble when testing high-current devices like fuses.
    Steve, Dec 12, 2005
  12. Let me quickly answer this because my use was definitely very different
    from the usual. I was building or maintaining silver silver-chloride
    electrodes used in recording microvolts (millionths of a volt). Because
    of the sensitivities involved at that time, the DC offsets were a
    tremendous problem. They could be designed out of an analog pickup
    circuit, but that presented other problems.

    The current in the resistance circuit of the cheap Radio Shlack meter
    was enough to further polarize the electrodes. The electrodes were
    inclined all on their own to develop a cell effect, that is, up to
    several hundred millivolts all on their own. So what I would do, crude
    but sometimes effective, was measure the DC offset and resistance and
    then reverse the leads using the Ohm/Resistance scale to zap the DC
    offset. But this was short term. I found another technique to bleed off
    the voltage remaining on the electrodes. I can't remember now the
    connection between voltage and resistance in regards to these
    electrodes. High resistance was one problem. DC offsets another

    Better to bleed out the DC offset. Let me see, it was a standard
    practice, depending on whose standard, to measure all the electrodes
    while applied and get the resistances down below 1000 ohms if doing
    exacting work, even 500 ohms in the past. An impedance meter was best
    for this because it did not introduce any current that appears to upset
    the silver silver-chloride electrodes. Sometimes I used gold electrodes
    which had fewer problems, no DC offset, but only silver silver-chloride
    would record the best down to DC, in case DC recordings were required
    for some reason.

    This does not have much to do with cars since these problems exist at
    levels that are not really relevant to this discussion but I was
    treeline12345, Dec 13, 2005
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