Chrysler on Ebay

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by wmanzo, Jan 16, 2009.

  1. wmanzo

    wmanzo Guest

    They should sell Chrysler on Ebay they might get a better deal for
    that dead Michigan company. What do they expect from a state
    that is all "Klan" and whose engineering universities throw out
    all the "Smart Humans" in favor of "Klan-Alien" kids who have
    no interest in human engineering but are interested in engineering

    I'm a former PhD from Michigan Technological University majoring
    in automotive engineering and powe engineering. If Detroit goes down
    the tubes blame the "Klan" and the enslavement and extermination of
    their customer base(human beings). Klan-Aliens don't like cars,
    they don't buy new cars, and they certainly don't modify their
    cars. So, without humans, you end up building cars for aliens that
    don't like cars and that is bad business.

    I available for consultation and I'll give you a clue. All the
    MO-car company CEOs are "Klan" and that Wagner Alien, fake as
    can be and you can expect GM to go right down the tubes also.

    Without real leadership in Detroit Mo-city becomes dead "Klan" city.

    From Martian Klan Orlando where they build nuclear armed cruise
    missiles("B" Lock-Head) right down the block from the Mickey Mouse
    International Resorts and you'll find the real weapons of mass
    destruction at Disney not LockHeed,

    Wayne E. Manzo, PhD, Publisher, Human Rights Leader,
    Scientist, TV Director-Producer-Host
    wmanzo, Jan 16, 2009
  2. wmanzo

    Geoff Guest

    Chrysler is a UNION ENTITY something that should have died along with forced child labor.
    Unions are the real problem and not the industry itself.
    Geoff, Jan 16, 2009
  3. wrote in
    What are you talking about? Speak English.
    Bluuuue Rajah, Jan 16, 2009
  4. wmanzo

    Geoff Guest

    I would like to read your thesis and/or antithesis.
    Geoff, Jan 16, 2009
  5. Bluuuue Rajah, Jan 16, 2009
  6. wmanzo

    CopperTop Guest

    wrote in
    You sound more like someone that was possibly canned by one of the
    Detroit 3 and pissed about it. Not someone with the credentials you
    claim to have.
    CopperTop, Jan 16, 2009
  7. Unions is mafia. No question about it. BUT!!! Did it ever occurred to
    you that if the companies were honest and reasonable to at least their
    own workforce, unions would've had tough time recruiting people? In
    other words, there are two layers of crooks - corporations and union,
    and the workers get screwed by both but at least sometimes, at very
    limited extent there is an alternative force that may neutralize
    corporate greed and stupidity.
    Auto Inspector, Jan 16, 2009
  8. wmanzo

    Bill Putney Guest

    Somebody care to translate that for us?
    Bill Putney, Jan 16, 2009
  9. wmanzo

    Bill Putney Guest

    Yes they is.
    Bill Putney, Jan 17, 2009
  10. Incoherence is not banned on Usenet.


    To send an e-mail directly replace "spam" with "schmetterling"
    Dori A Schmetterling, Jan 17, 2009
  11. But it is frowned upon.

    Bluuuue Rajah, Jan 17, 2009
  12. wmanzo

    Hagar Guest

    No translation possible ... all lunatic rant like that.
    When all else fails, drag in poor Mickey Mouse.
    Hagar, Jan 17, 2009
  13. wmanzo

    jake Guest

    Whoa!! You should wear shorts over them diapers, dude.
    jake, Jan 18, 2009
  14. wmanzo

    Hagar Guest

    Whoa!! You should wear shorts over them diapers, dude.

    *** I'm way ahead of you, Beaner ... I'm using latex outers. Guaranteed
    leak-proof. You should try them on your mouth, they'd stop all your
    shit-for-brains from oozing out.
    No need to thank me, Beaner.
    Hagar, Jan 18, 2009
  15. wmanzo

    jake Guest

    Ain't gonna, GEEZER!
    jake, Jan 18, 2009
  16. wmanzo

    Hagar Guest

    Ain't gonna, GEEZER!

    **** Apology accepted. ****
    Hagar, Jan 19, 2009
  17. wmanzo

    jake Guest

    Since you brought it up, you old geezer, alright.
    jake, Jan 19, 2009
  18. wmanzo

    Hagar Guest

    Since you brought it up, you old geezer, alright.

    *** As I said before, you'll eventually turn into a "geezer" too,
    but you'll forever stay a retarded "Beaner".
    No thanks necessary, this is a public service announcement.
    Hagar, Jan 19, 2009
  19. wmanzo

    jake Guest

    Thanks anyway, ya old fart.
    I'm otta here.
    jake, Jan 19, 2009
  20. wmanzo

    Hagar Guest

    Thanks anyway, ya old fart.
    I'm otta here.

    **** Okey Dokey, Beaner ...
    don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out ...
    Hagar, Jan 20, 2009
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