Chrysler Navigation DVD Cost

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Richard, Oct 28, 2005.

  1. Richard

    Richard Guest

    I have a 2004 mini-van with the OEM navigation system. I called today to
    find out how much an updated DVD would cost. Alpine, the supplier, sells
    them for over $150.00 each. A new version will be out in early 2006. Ouch.

    Richard, Oct 28, 2005
  2. Richard

    maxpower Guest

    There have been new versions recently out, make sure when you go to buy a
    new disk it has the updated road map and not just the updated software.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chryselr Tech
    maxpower, Oct 28, 2005
  3. I have the nav system on a 2006 300C. I've found that the database is
    spectacularly bad. Prior to getting the 300C I was using a hand held
    Garmin with a 4 year old CD-ROM database. The Garmin's database vastly
    more accurate then the one in the Chrysler. I've found that the 300C's
    waypoints are nearly always wrong and the quality of it's maps are also
    worse then the Garmin's even though the Garmin had to live the
    limitation of only having 19Mbytes of flash ram. In fact there are
    whole states, Vermont for example, where the Alpine database barely hase
    any coverage. Charging $150 for an upgrade would be OK if they made an
    attempt to keep the database up to date but given my experience with a
    brand new car it's clear that Alpine isn't making any effort to have an
    accurate database.
    General Schvantzkoph, Oct 28, 2005
  4. Richard

    Richard Guest

    From what they told me over the phone, the first real upgrade in some time
    is scheduled for release in early 06. You may get a free upgrade under
    certain situations. The phone number is on the DVD itself.

    Richard, Oct 29, 2005
  5. How do you get the DVD out? I don't see a DVD eject button anywhere.
    General Schvantzkoph, Oct 29, 2005
  6. Richard

    TNKEV Guest

    If you look below the preset buttons or on the lower part of the
    stereo there is a long slot that has a small hole in it use an ink pen
    or something small place it slightly inside the hole and push to the
    side,that long slot is a cover and it should come off revealing the
    DVD slot and an eject button.
    TNKEV, Oct 29, 2005
  7. Thanks
    General Schvantzkoph, Oct 30, 2005
  8. Richard

    Sharkman Guest

    I have the nav on my 2006 300C Hemi and although I havent been out of a 50
    mile radius yet, the system seems to be accurate here in NJ/Pa area. I was a
    bit taken back by the upgrade charge too.. I dont know yet if I'll buy it
    next year or not.
    Sharkman, Oct 30, 2005
  9. Richard

    maxpower Guest

    Mine is working properly also. I wouldnt buy the upgrade untill the next map
    upgrade is out, And as Richard said, somethime in 06
    maxpower, Oct 30, 2005
  10. Richard

    MoPar Man Guest

    I was a bit taken back by the upgrade charge too
    I suspect that boot-leg copies of the upgrade DVD would be easy to
    make - and easy to obtain.

    Probably will circulate on 300 owner's forums. Maybe E-bay too.
    MoPar Man, Oct 31, 2005
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