Chrysler minivan engines

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Art Begun, Dec 16, 2003.

  1. I agree with you, Ted. I've ridden for more than 32 years, 28 of those
    on the street. I don't ride in all weather (I stop at temps below about
    40F), but I ride in most weather. So far, no accidents and only a
    handful of close calls. Most accidents are riders with less than two
    years of experience. I realize that I am taking more risks on two
    wheels than on four. Deer are more troublesome to a motorcycle as are
    other dumb drivers. However, if you gain good riding skills, ride
    defensively and wear proper gear, you can lessen the risk substantially.
    However, there is always the risk of a drunk crossing the center line
    quickly enough that you can't evade. That is a risk that I simply
    accept as going with the territory.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Dec 22, 2003
  2. Yes, I've known a few of them, and they were extremely ignorant with
    respect to motorcycles and many other things, like flying. Many of us
    pilots also call Beech Bonanzas "doctor killers." Often doctors, and to
    a lesser degree lawyers, can afford much more airplane than they can fly.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Dec 22, 2003
  3. Kind of like kids on crotch rockets these days. "When I was their age .
    .. . ." all I could afford was a massive, 1969 Yamaha 125 two-cylinder
    two-stroke (I think it was a YS2C). It was an early attempt at an
    enduro - having semi-knobby tires, flipped exhaust pipes to get them up
    near your bare legs, and a flimsy tin "bash-plate". What a thrill! Two
    re-builds later (bottom end kept dropping out, bearing pre-load problems
    I now think), I dumped it for an even more impressive 1975 Honda CB 125,
    four-stroke single, purchased from the school I took my course from -
    rode it in all weather - it was my only transportation in a city without
    public transport - it was well into January when I had to give it up,
    you guys are soft down there |>))).

    dgates-at-keller - no - space - engineering - dot , Dec 23, 2003
  4. Yes, but it's been a long time since I was a teen and did crazy things
    like ride 10 miles home wearing only a jean jacket over a t-shirt when
    it was 25 degrees out. Bike fell over in the yard as my leg muscles
    were so cold I couldn't get them off the pegs and push down to hold up
    the motorcycle. Ah, the good old days ... not!

    Matthew S. Whiting, Dec 23, 2003
  5. Art Begun

    Dave Guest

    After events like that, I hope you are ready for the not so good new days
    when you hit old age.
    Dave, Dec 24, 2003
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