Chrysler Lenders Must Reveal Identities Today, Judge Rules

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Liberal Clown Show, May 7, 2009.


    By Tiffany Kary

    May 6 (Bloomberg) -- Chrysler LLC dissident lenders have until 10 a.m.
    today to reveal their identities after a bankruptcy judge rejected claims
    that their safety was at risk because of anger over the automaker’s

    U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Arthur Gonzalez in New York forced the group to file
    a list of its members publicly, denying their request to reveal their
    identities only to the bankruptcy court. Gonzalez said yesterday the
    lenders have no evidence that keeping their identities private would help
    protect them. The group seeks to block an auction of most company assets
    to an entity managed by Fiat SpA, an outcome Chrysler said would force it
    to liquidate, costing thousands of jobs.

    “There’s no evidence that authorities found the threats bona-fide,”
    Gonzalez said, questioning whether the group was trading in and out of
    Chrysler’s debt. He was told the group is a mix of original debt holders
    and parties who bought the debt at different prices.

    Hedge funds have been denied bids to keep their identities confidential in
    other cases, amid concerns about whether short- term trading interests or
    credit default swaps give them conflicts of interest in bankruptcy
    proceedings. Gonzalez compared his ruling to a 2007 decision from U.S.
    Bankruptcy Court Judge Allan Gropper, who forced a group of hedge funds
    that invested in Northwest Airlines Corp. to fully disclose the size of
    its members’ stakes in the carrier.


    Thomas Lauria, a lawyer for the dissidents, told Gonzalez yesterday that
    the group has been exposed to “undue reputational damage, and threats of
    violence.” He said criticism of the group was exceptional, because it came
    from U.S. President Barack Obama.

    Gonzalez said criticism is inherent in any bankruptcy, and Obama shouldn’t
    be singled out as an exceptional party given the government’s involvement
    with Chrysler.

    Robert W. Hamilton, a lawyer for Chrysler, said that the threats couldn’t
    be taken seriously, as they were postings on an Internet message board
    affiliated with the Washington Post.

    “The only evidence they have provided is a series of four or five
    anonymous rants on a Washington Post Web site,” Hamilton said. “Anyone
    with a passing familiarity with the hyperbolic rants on such boards on the
    Internet would not take such comments seriously.”

    For example, an anonymous commenter who signed himself “jerkhoff” wrote,
    “These aristocrats should be lined up against the wall and executed.”

    Credit Default Swaps

    Hamilton also questioned whether the group may have had an incentive to
    force Chrysler into bankruptcy because it owns credit-default swaps, which
    insure them against a default on Chrysler’s debt.

    “What if the facts are that in order to recover on those CDS, they forced
    it into bankruptcy to recover 100 percent, or even more, of their
    investment,” Hamilton said.

    Lauria told Gonzalez that the group doesn’t currently hold any CDS. Any
    CDS or derivatives the group holds would be disclosed tomorrow along with
    the groups’ identities.

    The dissident lenders own only about $300 million of a total $6.9 billion
    in secured debt, they said in a bankruptcy court filing yesterday.

    A lawyer representing JPMorgan Chase & Co., the largest lender on the
    loan, and other lenders in favor of the deal, said last week the
    dissidents held about 10 percent of its value, less than $700 million.

    Identified Lenders

    In the filing, the lenders told the judge in charge of Chrysler’s
    bankruptcy that the carmaker’s plan to auction its best assets later this
    month was unfair because it prevents creditors from using claims like a
    loan to make a non-cash bid.

    “The proposed sale is not an arms’ length bargain but rather is tainted by
    government domination and control,” the group said in the filing in U.S.
    Bankruptcy Court in New York.

    The group refused last week to share in a $2.25 billion buyout for a $6.9
    billion Chrysler loan that the U.S. government wanted off the books to
    keep the carmaker out of bankruptcy. Obama criticized them for speculating
    at taxpayers’ expense and said their opposition tipped Auburn Hills,
    Michigan-based Chrysler into bankruptcy.

    Those named publicly include OppenheimerFunds Inc., Perella Weinberg
    Capital Management LP’s Xerion hedge fund and Stairway Capital Advisors.
    Perella withdrew its sale objection last week.

    The lenders claim in their court filings that the U.S. government is
    subverting federal bankruptcy law by forcing lenders to agree to a
    reorganization that repays unsecured creditors ahead of some secured

    The group, calling itself Chrysler’s non-TARP lenders, in reference to aid
    other creditors got from the federal Troubled Assets Relief Program, said
    the proposed auction would prevent a so-called “credit bid” from its

    Credit Bid

    Under a credit bid, parties use debt to buy a company. The group also
    seeks to block the proposed sale to an alliance led by Fiat, as well as a
    request by the U.S. automaker for approval of a $4.5 billion Treasury loan
    to finance the reorganization.

    In a footnote, they cited a requirement that any competing bid include 10
    percent of the purchase price in cash. That “appears designed
    specifically,” to prevent non-TARP members from making a credit bid, using
    the full amount of their secured claim, they said.

    The group also objected to rules that would require all competing bids be
    subject to the same terms as the proposed transaction with the government
    and Fiat, which are financing the reorganization and providing small-car
    technology, respectively.

    Because bids need to be made in a week under the proposed timeline, there
    isn’t enough time for parties to make due diligence required for a
    competing bid, the holdouts said.

    Secured Lenders

    The group has pitted itself against secured lenders that agreed to the
    Fiat deal, including JPMorgan, Citigroup Inc., Morgan Stanley and Goldman
    Sachs Group Inc., saying those institutions had conflicts of interest
    because they had accepted TARP funds, which included some government

    The four largest banks hold $4.83 billion of the debt, or about 70

    In a related move, a group of Chrysler LLC unsecured creditors formed an
    11-member committee yesterday at a meeting in a midtown Manhattan hotel
    that will include the United Automobile Workers union, trade groups, car
    dealers and lawsuit plaintiffs. That group hired Kramer Levin Naftalis &
    Frankel LLP on New York as its law firm.

    U.S. Trustee Diana Adams, who represents the Justice Department in the
    Chrysler bankruptcy case filed last week in Manhattan federal court,
    appointed the committee members at a meeting yesterday. The automaker is
    seeking court approval of a sale that would create an alliance with Fiat,
    forming the world’s sixth-largest carmaker.

    Major Shareholders

    “All of the major shareholders are supportive of this transaction,”
    Chrysler spokesman Fredric Spar said outside the meeting, without
    referring specifically to the new committee.

    The new company created by the auction asset sale would be owned by the
    United Auto Workers, Fiat, the U.S. Treasury and the Canadian government,
    Chrysler has said. Fiat’s 20 percent stake could be increased to 35
    percent if the company meets certain milestones, the company has said.

    The case is In re. Chrysler LLC, 09-50002, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern
    District of New York (Manhattan)
    Liberal Clown Show, May 7, 2009
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