Chrysler Hiring a low wage workers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Red Cloud, Nov 26, 2003.

  1. Red Cloud

    Red Cloud Guest

    Chrysler has a way to boost the profit margin. The way is to import
    foreign made Chrysler. For example, Mexican-made Chrsyler will
    profit margin almost triple as the wage go down more than 90%. That's
    hiring cheap Mexican worker will boost the companyp's profit three
    times than hiring US worker.. So why not move the factory to mexico or
    China if Chrysler desires more profit. Profit is the key to the
    Chrysler survivial in this global world. Lee Iacocca has a wonderful
    globalized plan to boost the company
    profit and increase company stock value. Who cares about AMerican
    workers anyway? Do you think Geroge Bush cares about whether Lee
    Iacocca is exporting jobs to oversea? I don't think so. As long as
    Chrysler make profit, it is good for AMerica. Haven't you heard "what
    is good for GM is good for America." That's right. Do what is right
    for AMerica. Get rid of america workers and hiring low-wage worker
    will defintely boost the company value in this ever
    incrasing competitive world market. NO wonder Being Airplane moved the
    plants to Beijing. Forget American workers. Nobody care about them

    I bet this will happen in the future that your Chrysler will be all
    100% made in
    outside of US. There will be no decent paying auto-workers left in
    America. This is the vision of the future. Believe it or not, you
    can't stop this process
    or reverse it. YOu have no power to stop. This is the future.
    Red Cloud, Nov 26, 2003
  2. Red Cloud

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Ford and GM also make cars in Mexico, do they not?

    You seem to be a little behind the times. Iacocca?
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 26, 2003
  3. I don't know who YOU are employed by or what you do but have YOU heard
    of the trickle down theory? Put all of us autoworkers out of work
    and we don't have the money to buy what YOU make and what alot of
    people on here make or do. Then your employer has to downsize or move
    (as YOU suggested). Then YOU are out of work. Smart thinking.
    Richard Benner Jr, Nov 26, 2003
  4. A troll is still a troll by any other name.
    Jimmy Da Greek, Nov 26, 2003
  5. Red Cloud

    Red Cloud Guest

    Only the people left with low wage and lousy jobs will buy imported
    Chrysler with borrowing heavy cash. You export all the autoworkers to
    oversea, there will be still people will buy Chrysler. This will boost
    the Chrysler
    image, profit and stock value. This is the future vision you can't
    stop it.
    Nobody cares anyways. There is not a single legal law to protect
    autoworers, not president and not any member of congress.
    Red Cloud, Nov 26, 2003
  6. Red Cloud

    Red Cloud Guest

    That's correct and it's going to whole lots worst. Just look
    at the inside of computer where it made. EVerything is from china
    except CPU and OS system. I wouldn't believe Hard drive and
    Motherboard made in
    China back in 10 years. Now most hard drive and MB is from China. Auto
    jobs will meet the same fate. This is the global vision for GM, Ford
    and Chrysler.

    Iacocca is looking for right time to meet the global vision.
    China is the answer. Doh't think American President or your local
    congress cares about your job. This is the future you can't reverse!
    Red Cloud, Nov 27, 2003
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