Chrysler Headlamp Replacement: $227.65

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Nomen Nescio, Oct 19, 2003.

  1. Nomen Nescio

    Nomen Nescio Guest

    20-5805-00 2003 Chrysler 300M HEADLIGHT RH (PASSENGER SIDE) BASE MODEL,

    Fresh off the web. This is the essence of what's defective thinking at
    Chrysler Corp. A headlamp replacement should cost $8.00 because that's
    what K-Mart charged me for one sealed dual-beam of the rectangular

    Chrysler is concerned about every nickel; that is, their nickel. Not
    yours. They want to minimize their costs and MAXIMIZE YOURS. Who are they
    kidding? If they continue down that road five years more, they will be
    completely and totally bankcrupt.

    Chrysler needs to minimize their costs AND our (the customers') costs,
    both. And they can start showing us they can do that by designing a new
    model based on third-world philosophy. No fancy stuff. Just a reliable,
    rugged, economical, and functional car with no frills. Everything should
    be optional if the customer wants to splurge: radio, heater, defroster,
    electric wipers, windshield washer, airconditioner. Even wheel covers
    should be optional - and they had better be bolt-on covers that can't fly
    off and kill someone.

    Not so long ago, cars were built this way. Cheap, with a long list of
    options. The factory custom-built your car made-to-order. That's the best
    way. If I want two-tone paint, I can pay extra. If I want a Continental
    Wheel, I can pay extra. If I want a roof rack, I can pay extra. Do you get

    All you have to do is read the papers. All the grocery workers in
    California are on strike and they will lose. They're all going to wind up
    part-time, low wage, with no health insurance, after the first tier workers
    retire. We are in competition with the third world for all production
    except food and weapons of war, and our wages are going to wind up in the
    toilet. We are headed towards third world status and we'd better start
    getting used to it. The days of $30,000 SUVs are numbered. Chrysler, heed
    this warning: Build a $10,000 diesel utility vehicle (DUV) and build it for
    a profit. Let the buyer add $5,000 worth of accessories if he wants to.

    Once, the U.S. was a cornucopia of plenty. Everyone could enjoy the good
    life. Everyone could find a decent job for good pay. Now its different.
    Those anyone who has any kind of job lives in deadly fear of being canned
    on his ass. He has no intention of commiting himself to a $30,000 car. He
    doesn't want to risk buying a second hand one of $20,000 so he hangs on to
    his jalopy worth maybe $5,000 if that. He will drive it into the ground if
    he has to. That will take years, though, and Chrysler cannot wait. They
    have five years at the most. Start now, Chrysler. I suggested a Tamaraw
    FX. Check it out. Toyota has quit making that model in favor of an
    upscale, rounded off version called the Revo. Get a license to make the
    Tamaraw FX. Just Americanize it a little. It needs larger wheels to go
    faster. The bigger the wheels, the faster a car goes. The Tamaraw is only
    good for about 60 mph. Make it go 10 mph faster. Leave everything else
    alone. You will sell a million of them, for $10,000 each.

    I would not post this message if I did not truly care about the good and
    betterment of Chrysler Corp. Many people like myself will offer plenty of
    good constructive, free advice. Take this free advice and apply it.
    Instead of being No. 4 (I do think you dropped a notch), you have the
    opportunity to recover as No. 2 if you can do what I and other thoughtful
    customers suggest.
    Nomen Nescio, Oct 19, 2003
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