Chrysler/GM to team up on hybrids

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Art, Dec 13, 2004.

  1. Art

    Art Guest

    Art, Dec 13, 2004
  2. Art

    Steve Guest

    Sounds like they're planning on jumping in with a significantly more
    advanced technology. That might mean they wind up trumping Toyota pretty
    soundly, depending on how fast Toyota can roll out their own new tech.
    Right now, hybrids are only a little better than a novelty because
    there are gasoline and diesel compacts that get significantly better
    mileage than the hybrids. And where have all the first-gen Priuses and
    Insights gone? I almost never see one anymore.
    Steve, Dec 13, 2004
  3. | Art wrote:
    | >
    | >
    | > By 2007, it may be too late. Should have licensed Toyota technology like
    | > Ford to get in the game faster.
    | >
    | >
    | Sounds like they're planning on jumping in with a significantly more
    | advanced technology. That might mean they wind up trumping Toyota pretty
    | soundly, depending on how fast Toyota can roll out their own new tech.
    | Right now, hybrids are only a little better than a novelty because
    | there are gasoline and diesel compacts that get significantly better
    | mileage than the hybrids. And where have all the first-gen Priuses and
    | Insights gone? I almost never see one anymore.

    You see them all over the place here...especially the Prius. You even see an
    occasional Civic hybrid.
    James C. Reeves, Dec 13, 2004
  4. )
    The Civic hybrid is a *current* model. Steve was asking about the *FIRST*
    generation Prius and Insight.
    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 13, 2004
  5. | On Mon, 13 Dec 2004, James C. Reeves wrote (with improper quote characters
    | yet again...)
    | > | mileage than the hybrids. And where have all the first-gen Priuses and
    | > | Insights gone? I almost never see one anymore.
    | > You see them all over the place here...especially the Prius. You even
    | > see an occasional Civic hybrid.
    | The Civic hybrid is a *current* model. Steve was asking about the *FIRST*
    | generation Prius and Insight.

    I missed that point. :-( I never did see many of the first generation
    models, even when they first came out. There is one Insight parked at the
    office building next door.
    James C. Reeves, Dec 13, 2004
  6. Art

    Art Guest

    The Insight sold poorly. I've only seen a few. There is tremendous demand
    for used Prius's around here in central NC. People are paying more for used
    models than what they originally sold for new.
    Art, Dec 13, 2004
  7. Art

    Art Guest

    Back when I worked for General Electric Semiconductor division, we were
    always reminded that by the time we perfected our new breakthru technology
    the old technology might be improved and just as good.
    Art, Dec 13, 2004
  8. James: Fix your quote character, dammit!

    You've got it set to |
    It should be >
    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 13, 2004
  9. I don't remember setting it for anything. But will check the settings.

    | James: Fix your quote character, dammit!
    | You've got it set to |
    | It should be >
    | On Mon, 13 Dec 2004, James C. Reeves wrote:
    | >
    | > | > | On Mon, 13 Dec 2004, James C. Reeves wrote (with improper quote
    | > | yet again...)
    | > |
    | > | > | mileage than the hybrids. And where have all the first-gen Priuses
    | > | > | Insights gone? I almost never see one anymore.
    | > |
    | > | > You see them all over the place here...especially the Prius. You even
    | > | > see an occasional Civic hybrid.
    | > |
    | > | The Civic hybrid is a *current* model. Steve was asking about the *FIRST*
    | > | generation Prius and Insight.
    | >
    | > I missed that point. :-( I never did see many of the first generation
    | > models, even when they first came out. There is one Insight parked at the
    | > office building next door.
    | >
    | >
    | >
    James C. Reeves, Dec 14, 2004
  10. Better? ;-)

    James C. Reeves, Dec 14, 2004
  11. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaalelujah!
    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 14, 2004
  12. Glad to have made your day in such a Devine way! :)

    What was the character doing to your news reader? Just curious. On the
    surface it *seemed* benign enough.
    James C. Reeves, Dec 14, 2004
  13. Can't talk. Basking in divine beatitude.
    Foozling its ability to rejustify paragraphs that included (anywhere in
    the quote-character string) anything other than >.
    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 14, 2004
  14. Art

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    Much. Thanks.
    Joe Pfeiffer, Dec 14, 2004
  15. Art

    Bill 2 Guest

    I rarely saw them when they were new.
    Bill 2, Dec 14, 2004
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