Chrysler Financial Services

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Ginny, Apr 3, 2004.

  1. Ginny

    Ginny Guest

    Has anybody here had any bad experiences with Chrysler Financial. I just
    went through a 2-yr. nightmare with them. The level of customer rudeness
    from their reps was so bad that it has made me anti-Chrysler.

    Just wondering if anyone else had this experience. Also, if there is a
    newsgroup dedicated to this type of complaints/problems, etc.

    Ginny, Apr 3, 2004
  2. Ginny

    Punch Guest

    well tell us more, I've had nothing but an easy time with them...

    what did you do wrong?
    Punch, Apr 3, 2004
  3. Ginny

    4-2LGW Guest

    I haven't had any personal experiences with them, but their on-line system
    is really fouled up.
    4-2LGW, Apr 3, 2004
  4. Ginny

    Ginny Guest

    From day 1, I could not get an invoice from them. They kept telling me it
    was in the mail. I would schedule EFT's and they would double payments,
    causing havoc with my checking account. The customer reps were nothing but
    rude. I've reported them to any consumer complaint sites that I can find.

    I finally re-financed the car through a home equity loan at my local bank,
    at a 4% interest rate. They told me that they have had the same complaints
    from other customers who have refinanced. My friend who works at the bank
    told me that they have had some bad dealings also with the customer reps,
    when they have called to get pay-off information.

    One complaint site I looked at on the internet had 167 complaints about CF.

    I'm glad to be rid of them. NOw my next fight will be getting the title, as
    well as a refund on the credit life insurance that I had. I already have my
    lawyer alerted.

    Ginny, Apr 3, 2004
  5. Ginny

    Steve Porter Guest

    You're not alone! I financed my 2002 PT Cruiser through Chrysler
    Financial and never, I repeat never, again will I finance anything through
    them again. They screwed things up from the get go! First off all customer
    inquiries or complaints aren't even handled in the U.S.A. All calls are
    routed to Canada. You can't talk to anyone who has the power to make a
    correction over the telephone. You question or complaint is either
    supposedly faxed or emailed to the proper department (good luck!). I too,
    found the customer service representatives to be most rude and
    unconsiderate. Here you spend thousands of dollars to get trated like a
    piece of meat. I too, refinanced my loan elsewhere and how amazing it was
    to have things go smoothly. Chyrsler Financial SUCKS! If I had more time
    I'd tell you how I really feel about them but my time is worth more than

    Steve Porter, Apr 5, 2004
  6. I had major problems with them last year. They told me I was two
    payments behind and I had the cancelled checks in my hand. They called
    me day and night (Saturday and Sunday's also) for 2 weeks wanting to
    know where the money was. I threatened them with a harrassment suit
    and FINALLY then quit calling. I made my last payment last month and
    NEVER AGAIN. That was on my 2001 Mini Van.I bought a new Pacifica in
    December and I did NOT use Chrysler Financial. I am a Chrysler
    employee with excellent credit and I got a better rate at a different
    company. I would NEVER use them again.
    Richard Benner Jr, Apr 5, 2004
  7. Ginny

    Zork Guest

    I guess I must be a loner out here, but have my 2003 T&C with CF
    and have not had a single problem. Had a question early on, called
    and my question was answered promptly and efficiently.
    No complaints from here, everything has been very positive.
    NO......I have no connection with Chrysler or CF.
    Zork, Apr 6, 2004
  8. Ginny

    Cirrus99x Guest

    zork100 wrote;
    I have two DC vehicles that I used CF and no problems here either. Just paid
    off the 99 Cirrus and have a 2001 Voyager that will be paid off in OCT. 04. I
    also contacted CF with a question awhile back and was treated very well.

    Cirrus99x, Apr 6, 2004
  9. I have used CF since they began. I have bought MANY new vehicles thru
    them in the past and had no problems with them. However, since:

    << I had major problems with them last year. They told me I was two
    payments behind and I had the cancelled checks in my hand. They called
    me day and night (Saturday and Sunday's also) for 2 weeks wanting to
    know where the money was. I threatened them with a harrassment suit
    and FINALLY then quit calling. I made my last payment last month and
    NEVER AGAIN. That was on my 2001 Mini Van.I bought a new Pacifica in
    December and I did NOT use Chrysler Financial. I am a Chrysler
    employee with excellent credit and I got a better rate at a different
    company. I would NEVER use them again.>>

    I have not and will not use them again. I know businesses make
    mistakes. However their mistake was a big one, and I NEVER RECEIVED
    EVEN 1 'We are sorry!"
    or "Opps, our mistake". I had to threaten them with a lawsuit AND I
    had to flood their office with 50 fax of information and copies of my
    returned checks and statements from my bank. Then they just quit
    calling and no other word from them. NEVER AGAIN.
    Richard Benner Jr, Apr 6, 2004
  10. Ginny

    Sharkman Guest

    I never had a problem with them either.. I just wont pay them the 50 cents
    that they charge to pay your bill online... so I invest in a 37 cent stamp
    and make them send me an invoice.. (I have no idea why they cant figure out
    that paying online would be cheaper for them than processing all the
    paperwork from mailing in the bill)..
    Sharkman, Apr 6, 2004
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