Chrysler - did Cerberus blow it?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by George Orwell, May 16, 2007.

  1. George Orwell

    Will Honea Guest

    No styling and butt-ugly are two entirely different things. Styling is a
    matter of taste, the other is simply inexcusable.
    Will Honea, May 31, 2007
  2. George Orwell

    Pink Freud Guest

    With all due respect, I must disagree...

    How about plain old 'bad styling' or possibly worse, 'functional styling'?

    The original Beetle was styled for the functionality of that car, and with
    Third Reich artistic standards.

    The Citroen 2CV the same, minus the Third Reich artistic constraints.

    Many more examples up to the time of those you've mentioned; again, styled
    for the function only.

    And my favourite for sheer ugliness, The Aztek. Had to pass one at my
    corner -- a bright yellow brick -- for many months, and frequently had to
    answer the question, "What in hell is /that/ monstrosity?" It too was
    styled for it's function.

    People these days drive more 'vehicles' than 'cars', and the vehicles
    generally have the artistic appeal of any military vehicle. And the cars
    have been homogenized to aesthetically offend nobody, with the
    side-effect of pleasing very few. Which is why a typical highway today
    looks like a mass of military maneuvers mixed with mostly
    undifferentiateable little buglets milling around like bees in a hive or
    ants in a hill.

    Just my $0.02 Canadian....
    Pink Freud, Jun 1, 2007
  3. George Orwell

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    No, there isn't. There's "deliberately styled to look as if it was
    just an industrial produce", but trust me -- just as much money went
    into the styling of a Scion XB as a Mazda RX-8.
    Joe Pfeiffer, Jun 1, 2007
  4. George Orwell

    Billzz Guest

    Piero Drago had little money but designed a car which introduced many new
    design features. It's at the opposite end of the scale as the most desired
    car of all time, the 1967 Ferrari 330 P4. Probably a lot more money went
    into the "style" of cars which no one wants.
    Billzz, Jun 1, 2007
  5. George Orwell

    Billzz Guest

    Billzz, Jun 1, 2007
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