Chrysler - did Cerberus blow it?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by George Orwell, May 16, 2007.

  1. George Orwell

    Lloyd Guest

    Charger is outselling 300 so far this year:
    25,000 sales so far this year isn't peanuts.
    Lloyd, May 22, 2007
  2. George Orwell

    SnoMan Guest

    It is going to take more than that, Daimler spent 500 million to sell
    Chyrsler after all the money was spent (most of it went back to
    Chysler Financail) and you do you spend a extra 500 milion to sell a
    company unless it stands to cost you a lot more to keep it. Chysler
    has major labor cost problems and either they reduce them a lot with
    major consesions or they go out of bussiness because there will be no
    3rd option here.
    SnoMan, May 23, 2007
  3. George Orwell

    who Guest

    Generally you're correct, but I've heard a number of hemi buyers say
    they changed from Mercedes to Chrysler because that drive train was
    almost half the price of the Mercedes.

    However most Mercedes buyers don't buy for performance, just image.
    We have many Mercedes vehicles around here and they just put along in
    the city and seldom are seen on the highway.
    who, May 23, 2007
  4. George Orwell

    who Guest

    DC could afford to pay to dump Chrysler, they sucked cash out of
    Chrysler after the take over.
    That Chrysler cash got DC profitable again.

    DC will still own part of Chrysler so I expect they will still benefit
    from Chryslers higher parts volume and lower costs.
    Also I expect Chrysler will still benefit from what they get from
    So both sides should be happy; at least for a while.
    who, May 23, 2007
  5. George Orwell

    Billzz Guest

    Well, we lived in Germany for five years and Mercedes, in Germany, are not
    de-tuned as they are for America. Over 100mph is not unusual on the
    Autobahn, although it may be slower today. I am sure that there are many
    Mercedes owners, in America, who do not know how to drive a Mercedes. But
    I never drove a Mercedes in Germany, I drove an E-Type Jaguar, so what do I
    Billzz, May 23, 2007
  6. George Orwell

    who Guest

    Not de-tuned here, but hopefully tuned for our driving speeds else the
    mileage at our much lower speeds is poor.
    Germany needs to put some limits on the Autobahn speeds. which are very
    bad for the environment and unfortunately sometimes bad for those in
    the very fast moving cars.

    I shake my head and chuckle when I see someone here driving a car
    designed for twice our speeds, just tooling along here.
    What a waste of money and a misapplication of technology.

    It's not how to drive a Mercedes, it's just that the rich who buy them
    here are gentle mature drivers who seldom even go on the highway and
    never in snow; thankfully.
    who, May 23, 2007
  7. George Orwell

    SnoMan Guest

    They lost their arse with that purchase and made nothing off of it.
    Bought it for 35 billion and sold it for a bit over 7 billion. Chysler
    has got not cash to carry them through unless they get major
    concessions and many industry analists agree too.

    Only one side is happy here and it is not Chysler. I will be really
    surprized if they are still around in a few years. Not that I want
    them to fail but the deck is stacked against them right now.
    SnoMan, May 23, 2007
  8. George Orwell

    SnoMan Guest

    To compare a Chysler hemi to the quality of a Mercedes motor and drive
    train is very wishful thinking. The Hemi is well below it in
    SnoMan, May 23, 2007
  9. And on average S-Class Mercs put in very high annual mileages because senior
    execs use them.


    For direct replies replace nospam with schmetterling
    Dori A Schmetterling, May 23, 2007
  10. Now that IS poppycock.

    1. Germany does not NEED to put in general speed limits. The environmental
    impact is not as great as some people like to think. Anyway, huge chunks of
    the German motorway network are already limited (to 130 km/h or less) and
    much of the time in certain sections traffic is too heavy to go much above
    the speed limit.

    Furthermore, stretches of motorway have a guide max of 130 km/h. Whilst
    that is not a legal limit, it could have insurance payout implications when
    having an accident above that.

    2. Mercedes is not only for the rich. It is for everyone. Even omitting
    the A and B Classes, in Germany the C is a top-selling car and has been for
    years, as is the BMW 3. (around number 5 or better).


    For direct replies replace nospam with schmetterling
    Dori A Schmetterling, May 23, 2007
  11. 100+ mph is still the norm on rural autobahn for the larger cars, the
    ubiquitous econoboxes kept around 120kph, and speed limits in the cities. I
    was there last month, rented a BMW 3-series *diesel,* what a great car that
    was. Had it up to 228KPH (about 140mph) at one time but usually I kept it
    around 160-170KPH (100mph) and still returned about 26mpg. The only cars
    passing me were the big Audis and Mercedes.

    No diesel smell, no clattering, very smooth. When will these diesels be
    available in the US?
    Matt Macchiarolo, May 24, 2007
  12. George Orwell

    Joe Guest

    Well, you can sure say Mercedes owners don't buy for styling. Mercedes
    hasn't used any. If styling was important, Mercedes would have gone out of
    business 40 years ago.
    Joe, May 24, 2007
  13. George Orwell

    Dan C Guest

    I'd have to disagree with that. Most Mercedes (other than the "SUV's")
    look great. You don't think an SL500 looks sharp? Even the little 230
    Kompressor looks pretty hot.
    Dan C, May 24, 2007
  14. George Orwell

    Lloyd Guest

    So? You can get a V8 in a Chevy Impala for less than a Cadillac, or
    in a Crown Vic for less than a Jag.
    You knoweth not of which you speak.
    You knoweth not of which you speak.
    Lloyd, May 24, 2007
  15. George Orwell

    Lloyd Guest

    That is patently false. Chrysler _had_ no cash.
    BS. DC was profitable before the merger and except for 1 year, it's
    been Chrysler dragging down the profits ever since.
    Yep, those low cost Compass and Caliber interiors.
    Lloyd, May 24, 2007
  16. George Orwell

    Abby.Normal Guest

    Mercedes are for rag heads and Europeans. they are ugly, expensive, and
    ride like logging wagons. wayyyy over priced and expensive to get worked
    on. nothing good to say about them. send them all back to Europe or that
    toile in the desert - the Middle East. And while you are at it - have them
    each tow a BMW - another POS made by a country that cares less about
    pollution than any other. besides france of course. there is a real

    "Political Correctness is a doctrine fostered by delusional, illogical
    liberal minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media,
    which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a
    turd by the clean end."
    Abby.Normal, May 24, 2007
  17. George Orwell

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Thanks for that. Always good to have a moron expose himself to
    everyone on Usenet once in awhile.
    DeserTBoB, May 25, 2007
  18. George Orwell

    Me Guest

    If anyone cares to think about it, the troubles in this country grow from
    Wall Street -

    when corporations which had been happily moving along for years making money
    and reinvesting it back into new products, research and so on - all of a
    sudden had to learn to concern themselves about stock prices, how to TRY to
    keep from being the victims of a hostile take over and having years of
    profits burned up to light some billionire's cigar, and most importantly how
    to keep the market happy and support all the Wall St. silk suited parasites
    that have sucked the blood out of and destroyed so many fine American
    companies, to line their own greedy pockets.

    WHO CARES about how many Americans we put out of work, let's squeeze out
    another Gulfstream Bizjet, Custom yacht, Million dollar one bedroom
    apartment or $500k sports car for us....

    If the people that originally started the NYSE could see it today, they
    would most probably be first ashamed at the way it has been corrupted over
    the years, and then probably burn it down...

    I do hope I don;t appear too harsh =)

    Me, May 25, 2007
  19. George Orwell

    who Guest

    Yes in the past Mercedes cars were a bit ugly, but you obviously haven't
    looked at the recent Mercedes E series of cars.
    IMO they are lovely looking.
    Mercedes passed on the ugly looks to the Chrysler 300.
    who, May 25, 2007
  20. George Orwell

    Lloyd Guest

    Lloyd, May 25, 2007
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