Chrysler dealers may see Volt fighter

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by rob, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. rob

    rob Guest

    September 19, 2008 - 1:11 pm ET

    DETROIT -- In mid-August, members of Chrysler LLC's dealer council got a big
    surprise when the company let them drive an electric vehicle that could
    compete with Chevrolet's Volt hybrid.

    On Tuesday, Sept. 23, the entire dealer body may get to see that car as part
    of a national dealer telecast at 100 theaters across the country.

    Chrysler has invited dealers to participate in a large-scale national
    telecast -- something new for the company.

    Last year, dealers traveled to a show in Las Vegas.

    Steven Landry, executive vice president of North America sales, sent a memo
    Sept. 16 inviting dealers to the meeting and listing movie theaters in their

    In the memo, Landry said dealers will see Chrysler's "clear vision for the
    future and share with you some exciting, cutting-edge product!"

    Chrysler declined to confirm reports in The Wall Street Journal that an
    electric car would be shown during the telecast. The automaker has put its
    electric-vehicle development arm, called ENVI, on the fast track.

    Chrysler showed three electric concept cars at the Detroit show in January.

    Chrysler has said it will have seven new products in 2010 but has not said
    what they are, and co-President Jim Press has hinted at plans for an
    electric vehicle.

    There are pressing issues on dealers' minds beyond new vehicles, including
    the credit crunch, Chrysler Financial's tough new rules on floorplan loans,
    aging inventory and consumer loans.
    rob, Sep 23, 2008
  2. rob

    Jim Higgins Guest

    Chrysler is "promising" to deliver "soon". Wonder if they can deliver
    before they file C11 or C7? Real product for sale is quite unlikely.
    Jim Higgins, Sep 23, 2008
  3. GM doesn't have a product for sale yet either.

    Percival P. Cassidy, Sep 23, 2008
  4. rob

    Jim Higgins Guest

    Vaporware all around.
    Jim Higgins, Sep 23, 2008
  5. rob

    Steve Guest

    You really do hate life, the universe, and everything, don't you? If you
    ever said anything positive, I'm sure it would amount to "I'm positive
    its going to be a rotten day."

    Between GM and Chrysler, my money would sure be on Chrysler to get a
    new-tech vehicle out without too much word of it "leaking" beforehand.
    Steve, Sep 23, 2008
  6. rob

    Jim Higgins Guest

    Dream on.
    Jim Higgins, Sep 23, 2008
  7. rob

    who Guest

    At least Chrysler and GM are headed in the right direction.
    When they deliver we can comment on their electric cars.

    Looking like I should buy shares in my favorite electric company.
    who, Oct 3, 2008
  8. rob

    who Guest

    Their thoughts are in the right direction, but I won't hold my breath
    until it is ready for mass consumption.
    who, Oct 7, 2008
  9. rob

    rob Guest

    Mercedes is now saying they will build electric smarts too
    rob, Oct 7, 2008
  10. rob

    who Guest

    That's smart of them, but where will they put the battery?
    who, Oct 7, 2008
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