Chrysler cuts powertrain warranty to 5 years

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jim Higgins, Aug 20, 2009.

  1. Jim Higgins

    miles Guest

    By far most diesel 2500's and 3500's are sold for personal use. Goes
    for Ford, Chevy or Dodge. I have one and use it to tow my trailer.
    miles, Aug 23, 2009
  2. Jim Higgins

    Bill Putney Guest

    Reminds me of the Ford lawsuit - I'm thinking sometime in the 60's or
    70's: Ford TV commercials showed their 4WD pickup trucks being briskly
    driven over creek beds with huge rocks in them. When consumers tried
    the same thing on the new trucks they bought, all kinds of serious
    damage occurred. Ford lost the lawsuit.

    In our present day litigious society, I'm surprised they get away with
    some of the irresponsible car advertising they do. Seems like a shrewd
    lawyer could make a bundle off a couple of accidents with lifelong
    injuries or fatalities. It's only a matter of time.
    Bill Putney, Aug 23, 2009
  3. Here's one, it sez here:
    Pete E. Kruzer, Aug 23, 2009
  4. Jim Higgins

    Jim Higgins Guest

    Jim Higgins, Aug 23, 2009
  5. Jim Higgins

    who Guest

    It's not about product confidence, it's about reducing costs.
    who, Aug 24, 2009
  6. Jim Higgins

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    Well... I had a Sears lifetime warranty on an alternator. While it's
    true they eventually cancelled the warranty as it was too expensive to
    replace every couple of years (seems like putting in an alternator that
    wasn't crap would have been cheaper and avoided PR problems, but never
    mind), when they did they refunded the purchase (including installation)
    price of the alternator. It is hard to argue with that.
    Joe Pfeiffer, Aug 24, 2009
  7. Jim Higgins

    Josh S Guest

    It's much simpler than that.
    Both GM & Chrysler need the products many people want to buy, neither
    have a car I'm interested. Nothing has changed since the bankruptcies.

    A 5 year warranty is fine for me. If there's a significant weakness it
    will show up within 5 years.
    Josh S, Aug 24, 2009
  8. Jim Higgins

    CountFloyd Guest

    As to having cars I don't want, I agree with you, but in a different way. When we were going to replace our 2005 PT
    Convertible, strictly to get more gas mileage, we went to the Honda store. When a salesman came over, we said we
    wanted to see the highest gas mileage car they had. They led us to the Fit. I was in the mood and just said, "Ok, lets
    do the deal, this is the goddamndest ugliest car I have ever seen, but it gets 38mpg". He was stunned that I could
    think a Honda was ugly! My wife and I sat in the car and basically felt we were in a clown car, she felt unsafe. She
    said "No Thanks". On the way out, she said no more little, tinny cars. She wanted something she felt safe in. She
    did like the Element, but hell, it got the same mileage as the PT! Hondas and Toyotas seats were too low to the floor,
    we like chair high seats, so that dictated our choice of cars to look at.

    "What do you mean there's no movie?"
    CountFloyd, Aug 27, 2009
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