Chrysler Customer Service?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by TommyMorrison, Feb 25, 2005.

  1. Hi,

    I've been having problems with a local Chrysler dealership to whom I had
    taken my car for repairs a few weeks ago. To put it bluntly, without
    going into much detail, they did NOT fix the problem (a problem with the
    car not starting intermittently). I'm out in excess of $1,000. I've
    tried dealing with the dealership management and have also called the
    1-800 customer service line to no avail. Is there a name, number, or
    address of someone higher up in Chrysler whom I could contact? I asked
    the customer service representative, but he stated he could not disclose
    such information. Thank you for your help.
    TommyMorrison, Feb 25, 2005
  2. TommyMorrison

    TNKEV Guest

    What did they do in attempts to correct your vehicles issue??
    TNKEV, Feb 25, 2005
  3. TommyMorrison

    maxpower Guest

    You would have to go thru the proper channels as you are doing now, may I
    ask what Year/make your vehicle is and what the symptoms are?

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Feb 25, 2005
  4. TommyMorrison

    Art Guest

    The repair should be under warranty. If put on a credit card in the US you
    may be able to threaten the dealership that you will ask the credit card
    company for a chargeback if they don't fix the car properly.
    Art, Feb 25, 2005
  5. First of all, let me go a little more in depth as to my situation. I
    have a 1998 Chrysler Sebring JX convertible. I had been having off and
    on problems with the car not starting intermittently as I stated
    earlier. The car would crank fine, but it would just not turn over
    occasionally. Once it would run, however, it would usually run for
    sometimes weeks at a time.

    I had taken the car to two local mechanics who were unable to diagnose
    the problem. The one mechanic suggested I take the car to a dealership
    as they have far more elaborate testing equipment (that--- coupled with
    the fact that Chrysler techs work on these cars day in and day out would
    eventually put my mind at ease that this problem would be solved---boy
    was I wrong). I held off for a few days as the car was running. Then low
    and behold, I went out one morning to go to work and it would not start.
    I then had the car towed to Chrysler.

    Chrysler gets back to me and says the car will not start because it
    needs a PCM (powertrain control module). Fine. I okay them to do the
    work. It was over $1000, a lot of money, but my intention was to sell
    the car anyway. I knew going in that I would pay top dollar to a
    dealership, but I expected the problem to be solved.

    They get back to me and tell me the car needs an additional $300 (this
    basically entailed cleaning the fuel system). I okay this work as well.
    Then as I am getting ready to go pick up the car a day or two later,
    they call and tell me I need a catalytic converter. They wanted over
    $900 more for this! I tell them not to do anymore work on the car, and I
    will be over shortly to pick it up. They say the car is undriveable,
    that it will stall out, (that's odd, I didn't have stalling problems
    before taking it there), but it starts. I go over to pick the car up,
    and it will not even start! I called around to numerous mechanics who
    all agreed that the catalytic converter has nothing to do with the car
    not starting.

    After talking with the manager (a very condescending person) the
    following day, he
    assures me he will have the car running. Ironically, the tech who worked
    on my car was out 'sick' for two days. Three days later they call and
    tell me the car starts and runs. I pick it up and immediately take it to
    have a converter put in by another mechanic. Two mechanics came to me
    and said the converter was absolutely fine after I specifically took it
    there to have one put in!

    The car ran for three days, then it would not start. I called the
    dealership, but they will not do anything. I got nowhere with customer

    What makes this even harder to swallow is the fact that I was even
    contemplating buying another Sebring after this one was fixed and sold.
    Two of my immediate family members have financed vehicles through
    Chrysler financial recently. At this point, unless this issue is
    resolved, I would NEVER recommend Chrysler to anyone. This is the
    absolute worst customer service I've ever received.
    TommyMorrison, Feb 26, 2005
  6. TommyMorrison

    zair Guest

    Sounds like 5 star service. Screw the customer and get the highest bill.

    DC doesn't have customer service or reliability.
    zair, Feb 27, 2005
  7. wrote in
    You have no beef with anyone but the dealership, chry. is not even
    involved unless under warrenty. You can go to small claims court if they
    refuse to try to fix it. KB
    Kevin Bottorff, Feb 27, 2005
  8. TommyMorrison

    mic canic Guest

    thats what happens when mechinacs are paid flat rate
    mic canic, Feb 27, 2005
  9. TommyMorrison

    mic canic Guest

    not everything is covered under warranty esp. after 3/36 has expired and u
    should not EXPECT it to be
    mic canic, Feb 27, 2005
  10. TommyMorrison

    Art Guest

    Most dealers warrant their repairs. The repairs did not do the job so
    therefore they should fix them under the dealer repair warranty. I was NOT
    referring to Chrysler new car warranty.
    Art, Feb 27, 2005
  11. TommyMorrison

    Art Guest

    Sorry but that is not an excuse for crappy workmanship and the dealer is
    still responsible to do the job right or refund his money.
    Art, Feb 27, 2005
  12. TommyMorrison

    maxpower Guest

    Once again, Year/make and problems???
    maxpower, Feb 27, 2005
  13. TommyMorrison

    Punch Guest

    What makes this even harder to swallow is the fact that I was even
    take it to the same dealer and trade it in, while its running of course.
    Punch, Feb 27, 2005
  14. TommyMorrison

    Kevin Guest

    He did not go to Chrysler he went to a dealer. A dealer is a privately owned
    Kevin, Feb 27, 2005
  15. TommyMorrison

    mdrawson Guest

    Perhaps the original poster should identify the dealer and the location so
    we know to avoid it. I'm thinking of buying a Pacifica but if that dealer's
    in my area, U'll stay away.
    mdrawson, Feb 27, 2005
  16. TommyMorrison

    maxpower Guest

    Perhaps the OP should post what his complaint was so the readers could get
    all the info?
    maxpower, Feb 27, 2005
  17. TommyMorrison

    Treeline Guest

    There use to be a Zone Representative for Chrysler whose main job was to
    arbitrate these types of disputes. Daimler bought Chrysler, I do not know.
    I think it is very suspicious that they will not give you the name of the
    zone representative. You might want to ask again and perhaps, although
    this might take balls, ask in writing that they WILL NOT give you the name
    of the zone representative. Maybe write it on the next oil change form
    for them?

    You can contain Chrysler directly to some degree. They have their website,
    something like They may have phone number in their.

    There may be the phone numbers for the corporate office so you can call
    them directly in the USA, a regional office. I would assume the real
    corporate office is now in Germany, but that is also a phone call away.
    You can pursue it with Chrysler, but who knows now they are a German

    You can pursue it in small claims court.

    You can also see if your state has a lemon law and if your car qualifies
    for that. Something about so many fixes and they cannot fix it then they
    have to take back the vehicle?

    Who said he would not give you the name of the zone rep? The owner of the
    place or the service manager? Some dealers are the pits. I have been to the
    best and the worst.

    I have used the zone rep, I forget why. Something about the paint peeling
    on a brand new car. Everybody was pretty nice about it because it was
    an honest, clean dealership. They did not hold it against me when I went
    up the food chain.

    But then I am a little different, marching to my own drum, bang bang...
    Treeline, Mar 1, 2005
  18. Your experience is similar to the one I had with my then new '03 300m. Just
    befor the 1000 mile mark the transmission would slam from 4th to third hard
    enough to get the attention of people in the cars next to you. I brought it
    to the dealer I bought it from and was told that evening that they could not
    reproduce the problem, the Chrysler engineers had said that this was due to
    the transmission being in a "learning" mode and to give it back and drive it
    as is. I hadn't gone a mile and the problem manifest itself (the first time
    it went from fourth to third) so I turned around and brought it back to the
    dealer. After an aborted run around attempt by the service writer, I
    insisted that a mechanic do a ride along or they could give me my money and
    the keys to my old Grand Voyager back (I had the car less than a month).
    The tech plugged in his DRM and we went for a ride. To make a long story
    short, the tech reset the PCM parameters back to default which stopped the
    shifting problem, and sent me on my way.

    500 miles later, the problem expressed itself again. I got the usual run
    around from the service writer, although I had been promised when I called,
    that a mechanic would be available to ride along when I came in. The
    service write "researched" the problem and said that this was a known
    problem and that it would take 3 days to get it in and to bring the car back
    (a tech had yet to lay eyes on my car at this point BTW). Since it was for
    the most part undriveable, I told them to keep it and to rent me a
    replacement for the 3 days. When the writer said she couldn't do that, I
    insisted that she review the factory service contract.

    Well they updated the firmware in the PCM as Chrysler wouldn't send them a
    new one (it's their story and their sticking to it) and called me three days
    later. My wife picked up the car during her lunch break. When I washed the
    car the next day there was a deep scratch approx 9 in long on the right
    front corner. It went through the color coat and into the soft bumper

    I called them on Monday about the damage to the car (which I had bought new
    from them less than two month prior) and they said they would have their
    "touch up specialist" repair it. The resulting repair was worse than the
    original damage!! After three attempts, the bumper was still splotchy and
    had a surface texture of 400 grit sand paper. I took it across the street
    to a collision shop that had done excellent work for me before and it cost
    $700 to bring the bumper back to it's original finish - actually probably
    better. The body shop mentioned that I was not the first victim of this
    dealer that they had dealt with.

    Well 1000 miles later, the transmission problem arose. I took it to a
    dealer 25 miles away by manually shifting it to keep it out of 4th. They
    called me that evening to tell me that they would need to replace the front
    pump on the transmission under warranty and if I needed transportation, to
    rent a car from a local company that Chrysler had a contract with and they
    would reimburse me. I now drive the car 50 miles round trip to have my car
    serviced rather than give the local dealer any whiff of my hard earned
    money. The service attitude at this dealer is impeccible. When I show up
    for an appointment, they take it right in and have me out of there in short
    order. I checked the local dealers through the BBB before I took my car to
    the 2nd dealer and they had been rated highly. The original one had
    outstanding complaints.

    After all this, as you might guess, my recommendation would be to talk to
    another dealer (check BBB first) for the information that you want about the
    complaint channels in DC. Be sure to tell them that complaint is about
    another dealer.

    Good luck. I apologize for the verbosity of this post but I hope it helps
    your situation.

    David B.
    D & J Bergevin, Mar 20, 2005
  19. TommyMorrison

    Treeline Guest

    Well, this will continue the top-down posting tradition, shhh.

    How true it is. Halfway through your literate and informative post,
    complete with clean grammar, like the smell of a brand new car,
    I thought, get thyself to another dealer.

    It's amazing? I went to a local dealer. Sometime great, the parts man
    and the service writer came out to help me for free. The next time,
    the service writer, a female, apparently did not like the shape of my
    face and was quite unhelpful to a fellow whose car might just not start.
    I began to get a very bad feeling. They would help you for free but
    once money was brought into the equation, their co-workers turned
    into predatory sharks. Weird. Disappointing.

    I did not go to the BBB, an excellent suggestion for you. I went to
    Click and Clack and found a dealer I could not believe. They even had
    a shuttle service which I refused. They had freshly ground coffee that
    safe from slaves on plantation. They had rugs on the floor of the
    room. They fixed my car the first time perfectly, knock on wood,
    and it was the TCM, similar to your problem. I had programming
    firmware that needed upgrading.

    And they did not even charge me to read the EEPROM the first time.
    I knew it was bad from the subtle slow shifting of the EECM. No need
    to read, just re-program it with the latest TSB firmware, dudes.

    Jargon, acronyms, ain't it grand?

    Keep posting. Reminds me of when people could write whole paragraphs
    and make sense.
    Treeline, Mar 22, 2005
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