Chrysler Cirrus

Discussion in 'Cirrus' started by Phil Breau, Oct 24, 2003.

  1. Phil Breau

    Phil Breau Guest

    Just bought a 98 Cirrus. I have figured out most of the bells and whistles.
    There are 3 buttons on the visor. I believe these are a programmable garage
    door opener. If so, how do I program it. I have no manual, so I can't RTFM;)

    Thank you

    Phil, a Horizon graduate
    Phil Breau, Oct 24, 2003
  2. Phil Breau

    Hattmakr Guest

    Take your hand held remote that you normally use to open it and aim it at the
    three buttons. Hold down the button as if to be opening the garage door while
    holding down the button of your choice on the visor for 30 seconds, IIRC.
    Release both buttons at the same time.

    Hattmakr, Oct 25, 2003
  3. Phil Breau

    Phil Breau Guest

    Thank you for your reply. I got it to work


    Phil Breau, Oct 25, 2003
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