Chrysler brand chief makes controversy

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jim Higgins, Jan 5, 2010.

  1. Jim Higgins

    Jim Higgins Guest

    Chrysler brand chief makes controversy

    Alisa Priddle / The Detroit News

    Auburn Hills -- Chrysler Group LLC shook up its brands, the executives
    overseeing them and ended longtime ad agency contracts -- and now a
    Frenchman from Italian partner Fiat SpA is charting a new marketing
    direction implementing strategies honed in Turin.

    Olivier Francois, who already was the marketing chief for Fiat and head
    of that automaker's Lancia brand in Europe, now finds himself in charge
    of the Chrysler brand and as the company's marketing chief in Auburn
    Hills. But his early days on the job here have been marked by
    controversy as he strives to better define each brand with new ad
    agencies, dropping longtime partners; and forgoing a press conference
    during media days at next week's Detroit auto show in Chrysler's backyard.

    Today, ad work is being done by a slew of new agencies, and their
    commercials have raised concerns among dealers that they don't focus
    enough on the vehicles. One Chrysler ad has been particularly criticized
    because it was a reworked Lancia brand ad.

    All the change has led to skepticism by some about what the new
    marketing guy is doing.

    A perplexed Francois has an answer: duplicate what he did for Fiat, but
    on a shoestring budget that requires combining resources where possible
    and trying to come up with something that stands out in a crowded

    Francois said in an interview with The Detroit News that he needs to
    better understand the American mood and culture as he redefines
    Chrysler's message to consumers and quell some misconceptions about his

    But with the kind of unbridled energy that makes it difficult to stay
    seated for a full hour, Francois exudes confidence in applying the Fiat
    model at Chrysler.
    One agency not enough

    In Italy, Francois works with four ad agencies, one for each Fiat brand.
    The practice was adopted at Chrysler, which also now has four brands
    with the separation of Dodge into Ram truck and Dodge car; Chrysler and

    Changing ad agencies was not about the competence of past companies, he
    said. "It is not about the quality of what's been done. The idea is
    simple: You need more agencies for more brands. It can't be done by one

    The first ads have not all been well-received. They center on brand
    image and have been criticized by dealers like Fred Frederick for not
    focusing on product and price.

    Frederick, who owns Chrysler dealerships in Laurel and Easton, Md, said
    he has complained to Chrysler executives that ads must stick to
    featuring the vehicles "to get the consumer interested in your product."

    Francois expressed surprise at the criticism, saying early brand spots
    were just the first step and product ads are coming.

    " 'My name is Ram' is not a product ad. It's a 'new brand is born' ad,"
    Francois said. "It was a statement and it's done. It was not supposed to
    sell anything."

    Likewise, early Jeep ads were to evoke images of freedom.

    "All ads going forward are totally product oriented," and in the
    "appropriate tone of voice for each brand," Francois said of about 15
    recently shot commercials to air in upcoming months.
    Optimism over ads cautious

    Grabbing his computer, Francois played commercials with Ram pickups hard
    at work, kid-friendly features in minivans, and the luxury interior of
    the Chrysler 300. Upcoming Dodge car ads have a dry humor to them.

    Frederick, the dealer, however, is skeptical. In 40 years selling
    Chrysler cars and trucks, he said he has heard it before. But he is
    willing to give Francois the benefit of the doubt.

    Frederick's instincts are right, said Mike Bernacchi, marketing
    professor at the University of Detroit Mercy.

    "We are in a product intensive time," Bernacchi said. "I can't remember
    a time when there was so much talk about products, technology and gizmos
    in them."

    Ever since the events that resulted in the bankruptcies of Chrysler and
    General Motors Corp., brand and emotional advertising have taken a
    backseat, he said. What are needed are no-nonsense ads to tell consumers
    what they can buy and drive.

    That would disqualify new Chrysler ads, for example, that call for the
    release of Burmese Nobel Peace prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi. The ad,
    created for Lancia, was reworked for Chrysler.

    It was never meant to be a traditional ad, Francois said. Fiat was a
    sponsor of an event for Nobel Peace laureates and provided Lancia and
    Chrysler vehicles for attendees including former Soviet Union and Polish
    Presidents Mikhail Gorbachev and Lech Walesa.

    The Lancia ad agency and talent donated their time, Francois said. "It
    is a good cause and costs nothing and is good for the world and for
    Chrysler. I know what I spent: nothing. For billions you couldn't buy
    four presidents."

    Francois defends the new Chrysler ads, too, and is planning to
    capitalize again July 18 during an international day of recognition for
    Nelson Mandela, former South African president.

    Mandela will be given Chrysler and Lancia cars that day to drive and,
    once again, cameras will roll.

    "I don't know what will do with it yet," Francois said. "Maybe a film
    like we did for Nobel, but for sure we are going to use it, likely for
    both brands in the U.S. and Europe."

    It is the kind of move that will help Chrysler "stand out in a crowded
    marketplace to compensate for the fact we are investing less than others."

    In a further bid to stretch each dollar, future vehicles will be
    developed that both the Chrysler and Lancia brands can use.

    Dealer Frederick is cautious in his optimism, saying new Fiat products
    for Chrysler will "only be helpful if they launch and market them
    Jim Higgins, Jan 5, 2010
  2. Jim Higgins

    MoPar Man Guest

    Fucking stupid Fiat italian dago's.

    You've got a boat-load of free advertizing waiting for you at the show,
    and you piss it away.
    Because he'a a moron. That's why.
    Those were gay TV commercials.
    Maybe that's how it works in italy, but not here mr. macho man.
    Support from another dago.
    MoPar Man, Jan 5, 2010
  3. Jim Higgins

    Josh S Guest

    Unfortunately Chrysler hasn't got the (car) products needed today.

    My Chrysler dealers service rep agreed with me last week !
    Josh S, Jan 11, 2010
  4. Jim Higgins

    MoPar Man Guest

    Chrysler doesn't have the car designers it needed 5 years ago.
    MoPar Man, Jan 11, 2010
  5. Jim Higgins

    Steve Guest

    I don't know if Francois is responsible or not, but the Chrysler ad
    aired during the college bowl games that begins with an Airflow, moves
    through the 40s, shows an immaculate 50s Chrysler 300, then a 2nd Gen
    Charger, etc. etc. through the present is a MAGNIFICENT piece of work.
    Steve, Jan 14, 2010
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