Chrysler Australia Ltd. Might be Question for Daniel J.Stern

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Amigaman, Jul 12, 2006.

  1. Amigaman

    Amigaman Guest

    Hello All,

    It's been few years since I have taken part in your groups, Since then
    I have bought myself 2002 KJ Jeep Cherokee Limited (Thats what they
    called them in Australia) and (Australian Made) 1979 CM Chrysler
    (Valiant) Regal SE with Hemi 6 265 ELB as cheaper option (when new)
    than 318 V8 Fireball (in mint condition) which will be my show car for
    Chrysler events here in Oz.

    Daniel J. Stern might know these answers.

    These quotes are after to meet strict emission
    laws that came in effect in 1976 in Australia

    Hemi 245 with ELB has (114kW) at 4400rpm
    Hemi 265 with ELB has (124kW) at 4400rpm
    318 V8 Fireball with ELB (105kW) at 4500rpm
    without Air Condititioning

    My questiion why was 318 V8 was such slug?
    and also drinks more gas too.
    In comparison to the Hemi 6's all with ELB

    Other Question
    Also from R Series to VF 1962-1969 was the Slant 6 made in Australia at
    Tonsley or Lonsdale Engine plants or imported from the US or Canada (as
    it was cheaper tax to import from Canada to Australia than from the US
    due to the Australia and Canada Commonwealth tax laws.)
    I know for fact 273 V8 was imported from Canada in the AP6 onwards but
    not sure about the Slant 6.

    Like your help on some of these answers.

    Thanks in advance Merv Stent
    Amigaman, Jul 12, 2006
  2. Amigaman

    kmatheson Guest

    I have not seen a post from DS on this NG for some time. He used to be
    a regular poster.

    kmatheson, Jul 12, 2006
  3. Amigaman

    Nosey Guest

    He hasn't been around the truck group lately either. He can be contacted via
    his website here:
    Nosey, Jul 12, 2006
  4. Amigaman

    JS Guest

    The 318 has always been, and will always be, a slug.

    In 1976 the 318 was a 30 year old idea in a 20 year old design. They
    didn't improve it much in the 25 years following, either.

    JS, Jul 13, 2006
  5. That's 152, 166 and 141 hp, for those keeping track in America, where
    the, erm, "standard" system of measurement is used.
    Stone-age combustion chamber and induction, low compression and
    restrictive exhaust system. The cheapest way to comply with emission
    regulations was to modify existing hardware rather than creating new.
    So, an engine that ran very well and produced good power without
    emission controls wound up strangled and sluggish when equipped
    therewith halfarsedly. Same reason why the slant-6 was down to 85
    athsmatic, ineffectual, pathetic horsepower (that's 63kW!) by the time
    it was finally put out of its misery. It's worth noting that the 318
    carried on being a slug in factory configuration until it was *finally*
    given a proper redesign for 1992, with brand-new and
    thoughtfully-designed combustion chambers, induction and exhaust
    systems, proper engine management and higher compression. Halfway
    measures get engines past their Federal certification tests, but that's
    all they do...performance, driveability and economy all go right out
    the window.

    The Hemi-6 had more efficient combustion chambers and other systems, so
    had an easier time meeting emissions requirements without
    strangulation/hang-on-and-pray type emission control devices.
    "ELB", for those not familiar with the Australian term, = Electronic
    Lean Burn (usually just called "Lean Burn" in North America). Somehow
    or another, Chrysler Australia managed to have a more successful go
    with Lean Burn than their US counterparts did.
    R & S models sold as 1962s, and early-production AP5s in 1963: Imported
    from North America (both US and Canada)
    Late AP5 through VF: Made in Australia
    Daniel J. Stern, Jul 15, 2006
  6. Amigaman

    Amigaman Guest

    Hello Daniel,

    Thanks for taking the time to reply back,I know you are busy at car
    lighting business.

    You amaze me with your knowage of CAL and you life in the US!
    I live in Australia and I it's getting very hard to find any
    information on CAL thanks to Mitsubishi Australia destroying most
    information all parts etc on CAL and boy parts are going though the
    roof.My CM Regal SE was missing the genuine SE fuel cap with lock up
    keys.For a new one cost $850 and second hand one $550 Crazy! I guess
    the ordinary
    one on it will have to do for now.I originally wanted VK 265 Charger,or
    any Charger for that matter but they just don't exist! The ones on the
    market in mint condition go up from
    for $15,000 VH XL 245 and don't talk about R/T's.Least my Chrysler will
    be kept in
    the garage.

    Thanks in advance Merv Stent
    Amigaman, Jul 17, 2006
  7. Amigaman

    Richard Guest

    Mr. Stern abandoned the States for the cooler climate of Canada. I think
    they still let him cross the border if he has been good.

    Richard, Jul 17, 2006
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