Chrysler and to sell mini-cars?????

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Pete E. Kruzer, Dec 31, 2006.

  1. According to the article at:

    Chrysler will be selling "Made in China" tiny cars.
    I just completed a 1500 mile motor trip over the holiday and saw ONE
    Echo! What makes Chrysler think that there will be a market for their
    version in the US of A?
    Pete E. Kruzer, Dec 31, 2006
  2. Pete E. Kruzer

    News Guest

    News, Dec 31, 2006
  3. Pete E. Kruzer

    Dave Gower Guest

    Wouldn't be surprised. Despite poor reviews and a price higher than some
    entry-level real cars, you see a lot of them up here in Canada, where
    they're sold in MB dealerships. They have almost a screw-you type of cult
    image here, with owners ignoring the chuckles and boasting about interior
    space for two people, fuel economy and ease of parking, as well as how safe
    they are in a collision. They certainly are like nothing else on the road.
    Dave Gower, Dec 31, 2006
  4. Pete E. Kruzer

    Adam H Guest
    (Quote from article) The move gives Chrysler a relatively quick entry into a
    growing segment of the car market where it now has no significant product,
    and it prepares the company in case gasoline prices escalate again to above
    $3 per gallon,

    $3 per gallon!! Try £4 ($7.83) per gallon! We're being robbed here in the
    UK! (No wonder I can't afford a 300c, or afford to keep my Wrangler)

    Adam H, Dec 31, 2006
  5. Pete E. Kruzer

    who Guest

    Nope. The Smart car doesn't compete with the Toyota Yaris.
    It's too dumb, inadequate for two people to go grocery shopping.

    Our paper had an article on this and quoted a Chrysler person saying:
    A new model from Chery.
    Chrysler said they need a car in this size group, they don't have one
    who, Jan 2, 2007
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