Chrysler 2.4 ping?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by bruce, Jan 11, 2008.

  1. bruce

    bruce Guest

    Recently the 2.4 in my '00 Voyager van has begun to detonate or ping
    on mid to full throttle acceleration under load. If you back off it
    stops. The motor has 155K miles on it, and has always run well. It
    has had regular oil changes and maintenance. It is slightly overdue
    for plugs and wires. The only reall engine troubles I've had relate
    to the plug wires cracking and arcing due to heat under the hood. Is
    this an issue that anyone else has had? Could I be detonating due to
    carbon buildup? If so, how do I tell this? What else should I be
    bruce, Jan 11, 2008
  2. bruce

    Mike Guest

    Check to see if your EGR valve is operating properly and the EGR passages
    are open and not full of carbon.
    Mike, Jan 12, 2008
  3. bruce

    boxing Guest

    i would guess its got to due with your spark timing or a defect
    somewhere in that area.
    boxing, Jan 12, 2008
  4. bruce

    Hal Guest

    Recently the 2.4 in my '00 Voyager van has begun to detonate or ping
    Plugged up EGR passages or a failed EGR valve would be my first guess.
    Excessive combustion chamber temperatures will cause this problem.
    Check your ignition timing and check for vacuum leaks first..might be
    a cracked/broken vacuum line if you're having a lucky day.....

    Hal, Jan 13, 2008
  5. The modern era 2,4 is a DIS ignition system:

    I would say look at the EGR valve for sticking or improper computer control
    of it.

    Also, there is a chance you have a vacuum leak, or low fuel pressure/volume.

    Refinish King, Jan 13, 2008
  6. bruce

    kmath50 Guest

    Could also be a knock sensor. If you could have someone plug in a scan
    tool, you will be able to get further info. Since it is a 2000 it most
    likely has the ODBII system.

    kmath50, Jan 15, 2008
  7. bruce

    Steve Guest

    Possible, but not likely on an engine such as the 2.4 where the engine
    timing is computer controlled. Much more likely candidates are
    inadequate EGR flow due to clogging (as mentioned by a previous poster),
    or carbon build-up in the combustion chamber, or hot-spots and/or carbon
    buildup on worn-out spark plugs (the OP said its overdue for a plug change).
    Steve, Jan 16, 2008
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