Chrome wheel issues

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by NJ Vike, Jun 17, 2006.

  1. NJ Vike

    NJ Vike Guest

    I know that the vehicle I'm having issues with is not a Chrysler but I
    believe you still might be able to assist.

    I just purchased a 2006 Yukon Denali XL with the factory 20" Chrome wheels.
    For the first time, I just cleaned the wheels and applied Turtle Wax Chrome
    Polish on the wheels. Once I let it dry, I cleaned them off only to find
    some streaks on two of the wheels. I tried everything to get it off but
    nothing worked.

    I read in the manual and while it didn't specifically mention chrome wheels,
    it did say it was alright to use Chrome polish on chrome.

    I also read that these factory-installed wheels are Chrome Aluminum. Does
    this make a difference? Is it that the wheel itself is aluminum with a
    chrome finish? Why did this happen? This never happened with my 300M chrome

    NJ Vike, Jun 17, 2006
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