Chinese rotors are junk

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Rick, Nov 16, 2003.

  1. Worse than that. They want young minds that can be lied to and molded
    into their way of thinking. The same reason they want young people in
    car sales - because they feed them motivational crap instead of real
    business basics.

    Oh - and the lower wages.

    The problem is - when it hits the fan, and it eventually will - at best
    you end up having to outsource to experts to do the repairs. At worst,
    the company implodes.
    Joseph Oberlander, Nov 28, 2003
  2. But you have to ask why did those companies bought into the corporate system
    to begin with? I saw this a lot in the 90's in the software industry, since
    stock market was going great guns, everyone wanted to IPO their companies
    because they knew their companies had no long term plan for survival so they
    wanted to get out while they could still soak a buttload of stupid
    investors. This
    was also happening to a lot of other industries too.

    It wasn't the corporate structure that was the problem, the problem was that
    the companies that were adopting the corporate structure did not have
    diversified markets nor did they have long term survival plans. Worse than
    with the information companies, so many of them had the entire company
    structured around a small group of key people - the entire company's value
    was tied up into the heads of 5 people there. None of these companies
    have been public companies in the first place.

    There are some industries and some types of companies that simply run better
    as partnerships, or sole proprietorships, or some such. Nobody is out there
    arguing that all companies should become public and do IPO's.
    I'd rather have 200 car buyers that refused to buy anything that wasn't
    made in the US.
    That's a losers argument. It is made by people that in High School get a
    bug up their butt that the only kind of job they are going to deign to work
    is some specific narrow industry, so they focus their entire school time
    on training and preparing for this perfect job, then when they graduate they
    find there's too many people with the same degree. I hear this from
    wannabe school teachers all the time. They scream and cry because the
    starting wages for something like an Art teacher is in the toilet, all the
    while totally ignoring that there's a ton of unemployed Art teachers out
    there and more being churned out by the schools every day. Frankly if
    teachers ever wanted to get paid better they would engineer a shutdown of
    3/4 of the teacher training programs in the country, there's far too many of
    them that are being graduated every year.

    People need to learn that when your getting a college degree, you get it
    in what SOCIETY needs you to get it in. You DON'T get your degree in
    what YOU want to get it in. If your lifelong dream is to teach Art then
    do it on your own time, in the meantime get your damn CPA's license.
    Don't ever compare Israel to the US. People live in Israel for 1 reason
    only -
    because they have been brainwashed by the Israeli government into believing
    that Israel is the only One True Country that Jewish people should be living
    The PHD's that are sweeping streets in Israel wouldn't move out of there for
    any money because they all believe that they are doing God's work just by
    living there. Why do you think that the Israeli government has been so
    in pushing settlements into the West Bank? It's because all Israel is about
    Jewish Homeland, rah, rah, rah. Your dealing with a population there which
    just as wacked out as the Arabs that are living next door and just as
    wanting to slit their neighbor's throats.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Nov 29, 2003
  3. Sure. You expect this with startup companies that are all glitz and no
    substance. It's been going on for over a centruy, in fact.

    But seeing companies that have a good product and long-term viability do
    this is just sad. It's the road to ruin for everyone but the few that
    started the company.
    Long-term in the U.S. is considered 3-5 years by the morons who teach the
    stuff in our colleges. Long-term in Germany is seen as 20 years. And you
    wonder why they still compete so well despite being so much smaller than the
    U.S. Japan also takes this view by and large.
    I pay extra of stuff made in first-world countries.(ie - mostly Europe
    and Japan these days - sigh.) Electronics made in Japan are quite decent,
    actually, but you have to check - not all Sonys are made there anymore.
    No it is not - it's the sad reality. Why do you think we have as high
    as 50% dropout rates in High School? Because the young adults feel that
    there is no way that they can make the American Dream(tm) come true for
    them without either getting into The Military or looking for a fast buck.
    But last I checked, there are not very many jack-of-all-trades degrees. They
    are all by definition like this - very defined and narrow. Unless you want
    to take something like Philosophy or English, which is only going to get you
    the ability to get your resume seen.

    The sad fact is that Computers and Engineering is a dead career field in this
    country as the top jobs are all going to people with masters or PHds. The rest
    are jobbed out overseas, and the displaced people all suck up the middle-range
    jobs(which filters down...) We did this to ourselves.

    It's not art teachers, but technology as well. We're gutting our own educated
    workforce in exchange for quick profits.
    Based upon the last few years, that means two main career fields:
    Counselling/Social workers and Accounting or an MBA. The rest are
    dying fields that are overpopulated with 40-60 year old "downsized"
    people with more experience and qualifications than you could possibly
    hope to have as a new graduate.

    Oh - I forgot Culinary School. I hear food service is considered a
    decent career these days. Yay.
    Okay - how about another example. Russia. Tons of educated people and
    not enough real jobs anymore. Or Mexico. Either you are upper-class in
    Mexico or you are effectively a peasant.
    Joseph Oberlander, Nov 29, 2003
  4. Rick

    Mark Allread Guest

    You're being very obtuse. Does your statement mean you think
    Chinese rotors are junk, or not?
    Mark Allread, Nov 29, 2003
  5. Oh - I already said they are junk. Terrible in fact.
    Joseph Oberlander, Nov 29, 2003
  6. Rick

    Brent P Guest

    Mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, electrical engineering are all
    very broad fields.
    Not to mention national security.
    However engineering enrollment has been sliding downward for many years
    so there really isn't a glut. It's much too difficult compared to a degree
    in education for that that to happen. What is happening is that places
    like india have built excellent engineering schools that are running at
    capacity. Because the wage in india is so much lower, corporations are
    attracted to it.
    Brent P, Nov 30, 2003
  7. Rick

    Mark Allread Guest

    Although, oddly enough, not many broads in them.
    Mark Allread, Nov 30, 2003
  8. Rick

    Red Cloud Guest

    Red Cloud, Dec 3, 2003
  9. Rick

    Red Cloud Guest

    Don't expect Democrat change thing around! They never will. Both Demo and
    Rep are doing the same shitty thing.
    Red Cloud, Dec 3, 2003
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