Check this site out

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Chris Burns, Sep 15, 2005.

  1. Chris Burns

    Chris Burns Guest

    Chris Burns, Sep 15, 2005
  2. Chris Burns

    Coasty Guest

    What a dick some times shit just happens, there is a Lemmon Law, one bad
    apple does not make all and every product bad of a manufacturer and it
    happens in everything manufacturered of every product. It is ashame that
    things just happen but that is just life it beats the alternative You don
    not see NASA with Do Not Go Into Space painted on the Space Shuttle
    Coasty, Sep 15, 2005
  3. Chris Burns

    Comboverfish Guest

    Here's an excerpt from the "What I Want" page: (boy, am I bored...)

    To Be Compensated for Suffering and Inconvenience
    There is absolutely no reason why a consumer should have to go through
    as much trouble as we have to have a manufacturer fix problems that are
    so obviously caused by defects in the product. These issues have
    caused, and are continuing to cause, an immeasurable amount of
    suffering, grief, and inconvenience to me, my family, and to my
    business. I request a sum of $100,000 to offset some of this
    unnecessary hardship.

    Yeah, I think $100,000 should help him put aside {[{SOME}]} of this


    Toyota MDT in MO
    Comboverfish, Sep 16, 2005
  4. From the site:

    "...My wife and I leased our van over 4 years ..."

    "...the Caravan - approx. $45000 ..."

    "...Our four year lease contact is currently scheduled to end in May

    "..I've been told by CAMVAP that more-than-likely they would order Daimler
    Chrysler to buy out my lease. However, the buyback is done according to a
    specific formula that cannot be altered. Their formula takes mileage into
    account and, as a result, I would end up having to pay Daimler Chrysler
    approximately $2000 for them to buy back my lease. My wife and I leased our
    van over 4 years knowing that the first year would include a lot of extra
    travel, but that our mileage would average out over the four years..."

    So my read of it is the following:

    1) He can pay $2K and walk away from the remaining 2 year lease obligation
    on $45K
    2) He can pay the lease for the remaining 2 years and at the end of it have
    a vehicle that has no value and is

    Now I will freely confess that I've never leased a $45K car before so I
    don't know this - but am I wrong in
    assuming that the $2K would cost a heck of a lot less than 2 more years of
    leasing this van of his?

    Sometimes you just get 2 stinky choices offered to you and you just have to
    hold your nose and
    take the less stinky of the two.

    The other $64 question that isn't answered in the site is why he kept going
    back to this dealership that he
    thinks is a bunch of losers. He claims they told him when he took the van
    to them that it was leaking
    because he left a window open - wasn't there a garden hose out there that
    he could have had one of their
    lot people spray down the minivan with while he and the service advisor sat

    Anyway, I think the real value of this site is that it shows how important
    it is for customers of new vehicles
    to not settle for bullshit excuses from the service departments of
    dealerships, and when there's a problem to
    get right on top of getting it fixed.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Sep 17, 2005
  5. Chris Burns

    tomkanpa Guest

    4. Ted Mittelstaedt   Sep 17, 3:34 am     show options
    From: "Ted Mittelstaedt" <> - Find messages by
    this author

    2) He can pay the lease for the remaining 2 years and at the end of it
    a vehicle that has no value and is unsaleable.

    ____Reply Separator_____

    When we leased a vehicle*, at the end of the lease, we had no vehicle,
    had to turn it in to Oldsmobile. What kind of a lease is there where
    when it has ended, you still have the vehicle?
    I applaud Chris Burns for his effort. My experience with Chrysler has
    been very similar.
    tomkanpa, Sep 18, 2005
  6. Chris Burns

    tomkanpa Guest

    I previously posted, I applaud Chris Burns for his effort. My
    experience with Chrysler has been very similar. I misread the post,
    Burns was just posting someone else's web site/rant.

    Coasty posted:
    What a dick some times shit just happens, there is a Lemmon Law,

    Hey, if you're gonna call someone a dick, don't be one yourself by
    misspelling a very common word. Lemmon???
    tomkanpa, Sep 18, 2005
  7. Chris Burns

    Bill Putney Guest

    You don't know Jack... :)

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Sep 18, 2005
  8. "Purchase Option Price" is what it's called, see:

    Basically if you do a lease right,. at the end of the lease you can buy the
    for less money than what an equivalent would cost from the dealers used car
    lot. Obviously you have to pay close attention to all the add-on fees and
    drive a certain amount of mileage.
    If so then why are you reading this group, do you still own a Chrysler? And
    you do, why if you don't like them that much?

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Sep 19, 2005
  9. Chris Burns

    Daniel Guest

    It is interesting that this guy does not have a last name, nor an e-mail
    address to contacted him directly. And YES, I would have to agree with the
    one posting that says why did he not go to another dealership to resolve his
    issue a long time ago. Looks like he has way too much time on his hands to
    set up such a elaborate website. But I guess everyone should have a hobby.
    And, maybe he could have spent some money talking with a lawyer first.

    Just my opinion,
    Daniel, Sep 19, 2005
  10. Chris Burns

    tomkanpa Guest

    9. Daniel   Sep 19, 3:53 pm     show options
    From: "Daniel" <dcxdan AT yahoo DOT com> - Find messages by this author

    Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 15:53:45 -0400
    Local: Mon, Sep 19 2005 3:53 pm
    Subject: Re: Check this site out
    Reply |Reply to Author| Forward| Print| Individual Message| Show
    original| Report Abuse

    It is interesting that this guy does not have a last name, nor an
    address to  contacted him directly.

    ____Reply Separator_____

    You can go to:

    I wouldn't give my last name though since he never gave his. A last
    name and an email address would certainly add a lot of credibilty to
    his claim.
    tomkanpa, Sep 20, 2005
  11. Chris Burns

    David Guest

    9. Daniel Sep 19, 3:53pm show options
    From: "Daniel" <dcxdan AT yahoo DOT com> - Find messages by this author

    Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 15:53:45 -0400
    Local: Mon, Sep 19 2005 3:53pm
    Subject: Re: Check this site out
    Reply |Reply to Author| Forward| Print| Individual Message| Show
    original| Report Abuse

    It is interesting that this guy does not have a last name, nor an
    address to contacted him directly.

    ____Reply Separator_____

    You can go to:

    I wouldn't give my last name though since he never gave his. A last
    name and an email address would certainly add a lot of credibilty to
    his claim.

    Let alone he has such high miles on his lease, he still would owe Chrysler
    money. That to me is the red flag. Camvap would make dodge buy out the
    lease. This means they pay Chrysler Credit for the remainder of the four
    year lease. If the owner still would owe another $2000 on the lease he is
    12,500 km over the mileage for four years! So he is a scammer that does not
    want to pay up for grossly over driving based on his lease, know is
    complaining about mold and rust problems on the inside of the vehicle.
    Sounds mighty fishy as if there was mold to the extent he states there is
    ( of which he does not show any pictures of) then it would have been
    replaced under warranty for the so called leak issues. To me he is trying to
    get out of behind hammered up the ass for over mileage charges.
    David, Sep 20, 2005
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