charging problem with 93 dodge spirit - voltage regulator?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by frankvan, Feb 8, 2006.

  1. frankvan

    NoNick Guest

    He already replaced the alternator. Are you saying the replacement is
    I replaced the alternator, ran a 20 miles test drive, and my wife drove
    the car the next day running errands. After approximately 10
    start/stops, the voltage meter on the dash dropped from 14 V to about
    11 V.
    It is a reman alternator
    Meter was in the correct mode - I measured a couple times, in several
    different resistance ranges.

    NoNick, Feb 16, 2006
  2. frankvan

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    Do you find this impossible?
    Actually, it happens quite frequently.
    If he's actually measuring the open circuit [battery] voltage, it
    means his battery is dead.
    A fully charged 12 volt automotive battery should measure 12.66
    Well, his first post mentioned that he had no idea what he was
    doing. He has no wiring diagram. He has vague understanding of
    how the system works. He has vague understanding of the external
    voltage regulator modification that he's attempting to perform.

    I think he's set a new record for how long it should take to
    perform a 45 minute job.
    aarcuda69062, Feb 16, 2006
  3. frankvan

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    Hopefully that's a typo, and you meant voltage ranges?
    Joe Pfeiffer, Feb 17, 2006
  4. frankvan

    NoNick Guest

    Read a little closer. I've referred to the wiring diagrams several
    True, but a much better idea now
    Seven lines into my first post, I mentioned as soon as the voltage
    dropped again I pulled the remanufactured unit out and had it tested.
    It passed, which has led us to where we are right now. Total labor
    until this point: about 3 hours, including 2 alternator ins & outs and
    a thermostat replacement. Hardly a record.

    Besides, out of pocket cost so far: $160. I wonder what it would have
    been if I hadn't bothered to get my hands dirty...

    NoNick, Feb 17, 2006
  5. I meant resistance ranges. He was trying to measure the resistance across
    the two field studs.
    Daniel J. Stern, Feb 17, 2006
  6. frankvan

    NoNick Guest

    update: another alternator replacment resolved the problems. 500 miles
    and 2 weeks later, still running well.
    Thanks for all your help,
    NoNick, Mar 5, 2006
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