Change from synthetic??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by 4-2LGW, Mar 17, 2006.

  1. 4-2LGW

    4-2LGW Guest

    I have an '05 Chrysler 300C that I bought used with 24,000 miles on it and the previous owner used only synthetic oil since the car was new. I have 3 cars and only put on 4000 miles or so a year on this one. I change the oil only once a year and with the low miles driven I wonder if it makes any sense putting in the synthetic oil.

    Any harm switching to regular 5W-20 oil?
    4-2LGW, Mar 17, 2006
  2. 4-2LGW

    Coasty Guest

    Why would you do a silly thing like that? Synthetic is more improtant if
    you have longer oil change intervals. I have been using them for over 20
    years in my bikes and autos. Using conventional oil old technology like the
    dinosaurs it came from. Would you trade in your color TV for a black and
    white one?

    I have an '05 Chrysler 300C that I bought used with 24,000 miles on it and
    the previous owner used only synthetic oil since the car was new. I have 3
    cars and only put on 4000 miles or so a year on this one. I change the oil
    only once a year and with the low miles driven I wonder if it makes any
    sense putting in the synthetic oil.

    Any harm switching to regular 5W-20 oil?
    Coasty, Mar 17, 2006
  3. the previous owner used only synthetic oil since the car was >new. I have 3
    cars and only put on 4000 miles or so a year on this one. I change the oil
    only once a year and with the low miles driven I >wonder if it makes any
    sense putting in the synthetic oil.
    No, don't do it!

    With only 4000 miles a year you are probably putting that mileage on with a
    lot of very short trips
    which are not giving the oil a chance to heat up to full operating temps and
    stay at those temps for
    a good long time. That is required to boil off all the volatiles like
    gasoline and water that are blown
    by the rings and get into the oil. This is extremely hard on the oil and
    you are much better off
    using synthetic.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Mar 17, 2006
  4. 4-2LGW

    Ken Weitzel Guest


    I have absolutely no qualification to answer this, but nevertheless
    offer an alternative for you to consider, if I may?

    I'm quickly turning into a dinosaur myself, so aside from a few
    100 mile trips to the lake in the summer, mine spends the long,
    cold Winnipeg winter making 5 mile round trips to the grocery and
    bank and Doctor once every week or two. Heck, a tank of gas
    in the fall is still there come spring :)

    What I decided to do is change the oil once every 3 or 4 months
    despite their being almost no miles on it, but use one of the
    lower end mineral oils. This way I get to drain any gunk in the
    oil, and the cost isn't much if any greater than changing less often
    with more expensive synthetics.

    Just food for thought...

    Ken Weitzel, Mar 17, 2006
  5. 4-2LGW

    Scott S. Guest

    I don't know why you do that. Oil changes are almost 2 times longer between with the synthetic. I started using it on my dakota at 8,000 miles and have now over 85,000 on it and it don't drip one bit, runs cooler, easier to start in the winter (don't turn into syrup when really cold). And I stretched the changes to 7,500 miles. Go mobil and a top grade filter you can't go wrong.
    I have an '05 Chrysler 300C that I bought used with 24,000 miles on it and the previous owner used only synthetic oil since the car was new. I have 3 cars and only put on 4000 miles or so a year on this one. I change the oil only once a year and with the low miles driven I wonder if it makes any sense putting in the synthetic oil.

    Any harm switching to regular 5W-20 oil?
    Scott S., Mar 17, 2006
  6. Speaking of Dakotas, I noticed those can be rented cheaply, and was
    wondering how good they are at hauling stuff. Is it easy to load
    heavy stuff into it? How do you secure tall items so they won't fall
    over or fall out during the trip? How much stuff can it hold? Could
    it hold an average refrigerator, a few items of furniture, and a few
    boxes? Is there any easy way to protect the cargo from rain?
    please-reply-in-this-forum, Mar 17, 2006
  7. 4-2LGW

    Matt Whiting Guest

    No harm. Might still want to consider changing the oil more often than
    once a year though. Most maintenance charts list a time limit as well
    as a mileage limit. Often the time limit is more important.

    Matt Whiting, Mar 18, 2006
  8. 4-2LGW

    Phil T Guest

    Absolutely no harm in switching back and forth between synthetic and
    regular "dino" oil. However your logic might be backwards. And there
    are a couple of ways of looking at it.

    1) *Because* your looking at a once per year oil change interval, you
    should be looking at keeping the highest quality oil/filter in the
    engine, not looking to lower it. You have one of the best reasons to
    use expensive oil/filter.

    2)As someone pointed out, the concern with low annual mileage like yours
    is that it means that there are probably a lot of short trips. This
    usually leads to moisture and fuel contamination of oil, which degrades
    the oil quality faster than someone that puts 4000 highway miles on over
    a 2 or 3 month period. Moisture/fuel contamination of oil often leads
    to low temperature sludge formation in the engine. Viewed this way, you
    could justify changing the oil/filter every 3 months. And you could
    further justify using a much less expensive (but good quality) non-synth
    on that basis.

    3) If you read your owners manual carefully, it probably lists your type
    of driving as "Severe Service" (ie most trips are less than 10 miles or
    so), and that will call for 3 month oil change intervals, regardless of
    how low the mileage is at the end of 3 months. You should not ignore this.

    The above options are a bid at odds with each other. The real answer
    for you will be to get an engine oil analysis done, and let the analysis
    guide you. In your case I would probably get an analysis done 3 months
    into an oil change and see what the numbers look like. It they're OK,
    go another 3 or 4 months beyond that and have it done again. You'll
    only have to do this a couple of times to find out what the real, safe
    oil change interval for your engine and driving habits will be.

    You can get further advise and help with interpreting the analysis at
    this excellent site :

    I'm not sure about the 5W-20 oil for the 300C engine (3.5 L V6 ??).
    5W-20 is being used more a more in modern engines; Ford and others have
    been using it as a factory fill in a number of vehicles for several
    years now. I would call the toll free number in the owner's manual and
    get an opinion from Chrysler about it. You should see a slight
    improvement in gas mileage with it. But at only 4K miles per year, does
    it really matter.

    Good luck...Phil
    Phil T, Mar 18, 2006
  9. 4-2LGW

    4-2LGW Guest

    Thanks to all for the information. I will stick with synthetic.
    I have an '05 Chrysler 300C that I bought used with 24,000 miles on it and the previous owner used only synthetic oil since the car was new. I have 3 cars and only put on 4000 miles or so a year on this one. I change the oil only once a year and with the low miles driven I wonder if it makes any sense putting in the synthetic oil.

    Any harm switching to regular 5W-20 oil?
    4-2LGW, Mar 18, 2006
  10. If you got the balance of the warranty with it and want to claim, you
    might have to be able to demonstrate that the vehicle has been serviced
    according to the manufacturer's recommended schedule -- which includes
    time in addition to miles.

    Percival P. Cassidy, Mar 18, 2006
  11. 4-2LGW

    rudyxhiebert Guest

    If that 300C was mine, I'd stick w/ synthetic and I'd also use the
    best oil & air filters in car care business. Cars with synthetic from
    as early as you say, will hardly use oil if everything is in top shape.
    Cars that have been on petroelum, run a risk of using oil because of
    wear. Others here have said that short trips are "severe" and that's
    someting most people forget.
    rudyxhiebert, Mar 20, 2006
  12. 4-2LGW

    Steve Guest

    If you ONLY change the oil once per year, then why on earth NOT spend
    the extra for synthetic?!?! Synthetic might make a noticeable cost
    difference if you were changing the oil 5 times a year... but then I'd
    argue that you're piling on so many miles that you'd still be better off
    with synthetic and extending your change intervals out.

    But no, there would be no real "harm" in switching. Just not much logic.
    Steve, Mar 20, 2006
  13. 4-2LGW

    Guest Guest

    Your choice, but I suggest you change oil and filter frequently if you
    live in a cool climate and do many short drives.
    The problem with most oil acid and sludge build up, which is much worse
    with short trips in cool weather.
    If you only do short drives I recommend oil changes at least every 3 or
    4 months.

    The myth with any up scale oil is that you can have a longer oil change
    interval. Acid and sludge build up from short drives is the problem
    with any oil.

    I have used regular oil for many years, changing it at least every 6
    months regardless of mileage. I do a long highway drive every month or
    We keep our cars a long time, 11 yrs for my current Concord and have no
    oil burning or wear problems at about 80,000 miles.
    Our our previous cars were 14 yrs for a '87 4 cyl Daytona and 10 yrs for
    a '86 LeBaron GTS. Their engines were also in great shape when we sold
    them and both were used for mostly short drives.
    Guest, Mar 22, 2006
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