
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jalapeno, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. Jalapeno

    Jalapeno Guest

    Jalapeno, Dec 10, 2007
  2. Jalapeno

    lambeth65 Guest

    Forget 2 door vs 4 door... Anyone know if the new Challenger even
    has a back seat? I can't tell from the photos, but it looks like a
    2 seater to me. That will tell us whether this is truly going to be a
    limited appeal sports car a la the Corvette and Viper, or if there
    will be tons of V6 versions like the mustang and camaro.
    lambeth65, Dec 10, 2007
  3. Jalapeno

    Steve Guest

    It does.

    I can't tell from the photos, but it looks like a
    Really? Biggest dang 2-seater since the AMX if that's the case! Not that
    that's a BAD thing. I'm ready for a real muscle car on the market again
    (the Mustang and Camaro are NOT muscle cars, they're too small).
    It was never intended to be anything of the sort.
    Probably the 3.5 will be the base v6, although they might shove the 2.7
    in there as an the base and keep the 3.5 as a mid-level powerplant.
    After all, the original Challenger was available with the slant-6.
    Steve, Dec 11, 2007
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