Challenge every Red Light Camera Ticket!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Nomen Nescio, Sep 21, 2004.

  1. Nomen Nescio

    Bob Flaminio Guest

    Swindon, UK. Google on "swindon magic roundabout" and you'll see lots
    more information and pictures.

    It's said that once you get used to it, it's actually fairly easy and
    efficient to navigate.
    Bob Flaminio, Sep 28, 2004
  2. And here is the description, with another picture showing the traffic
    flowing in two directions(!!) around it, and some accident statistics
    (low) for the 25+ years it's been in existence:

    Minnie Bannister, Sep 28, 2004
  3. Doesn't this defeat the whole purposes of a roundabout, which are that it's
    simple to use and reduces conflicts?
    John David Galt, Sep 28, 2004
  4. God, what a cool intersection that is!
    Daniel J. Stern, Sep 28, 2004
  5. Nomen Nescio

    Geoff Guest

    I like the part where they say:

    "Though it may confuse or amuse new visitors and baffle American
    tourists, the average Swindonian finds that his or her passage through
    one of the town's busiest junctions is actually quite fluid, even at
    peak times."

    Holy cow! The idea *should be* that roads are simple and easy to
    understand, and new users can find their way through without confusion!

    ....but I guess its 'coolness' outweighs that consideration.

    It is an interesting shape...that belongs in a crop circle!

    Geoff, Sep 29, 2004
  6. Nomen Nescio

    dan Guest

    I read all replies here about those bastard unmarked cops. They
    represent, along with politicians, beauroRats, world leaders, and
    scuzbags a control over our lives day in and day out. WE must stop the
    insanity, you do have a choice, no matter what it is, you have a choice.
    We are weak against them, is what they want us to feel. Sure we are
    free, but suppressed at the same time. In other words we are really not
    that free. They arrange loans to us so we can have the nice 3 bedroom
    house c/w white picket fence and eat home made apple pie. We ultimately
    pay the price, most of us are living around the "too much month at the
    end of the money" lifestyle as it is. But how many of the average
    employees at your work place are getting any further ahead? Ask yourself
    this If you could start your own business and never pay a dime of tax
    again, WOULD YOU DO IT?) And because of the sudden found tax loopholes
    those bastards have for themselves, you could take advantage of those
    too! So what are you waiting for? Come on, you guys are smart? Or did
    the public school system help tap in to less than about ten percent of
    your potential? Did you buy a self help/motivational cassette tape? And
    I don't mean to lose weight. Then obviously you have been suppressed.
    The class of people your parents and their parents, parents were able to
    hang out with would be in no doubt a long line of simple folk with
    little means to better themselves too. You needed to be born with in the
    stench of god given wealth, right? The bloodline of the guy/gal with a
    doctorate from Yale(In any discipline)That's the family you want to
    become part of, as your chances at true success is now ten times of
    those of you and me who are reduced to axe grinding through life. This
    is a true controlling effect. High fluting bankers love us, we make them
    rich, they keep the interest at a rate that we can just bear, so we can
    work ourselves to the bone.
    Then we educate our children by those standards as set out in the public
    school system so they too can repeat in life as we have. So pay as
    little tax as possible, cheat if you have to, don't think the BeauroRats
    don't. Challenge any of those carefully hidden tax grabs ie Red light
    cameras, Photo-Radar if it returns Etc.
    Folks these days it seems everyone's got their greedy F&*&^&& little
    hands in our pockets.

    dan h.

    I apologize for the long winded post.
    dan, Oct 4, 2004
  7. Nomen Nescio

    danyelita Guest

    And how much of the US gov's money do you think they would fork over to
    build all roads to be over top of each other? Further more what would
    you hazard a guess that would actually cost? In answer to 1st Q. I guess
    since the war is top priority, what with preserving oil rich countries
    for themselves I'd say may $50.00 each LOL
    then to answer 2nd, a trillion and a half USD LOL
    Sorry many I couldn't help myself.
    danyelita, Oct 7, 2004
  8. Nomen Nescio

    lab~rat Guest

    Bridges cost a fortune and don't work everywhere. They've been
    plugging them in Davie, Florida, and they work great. It's a yield
    sign, and you can pretty much just blow through the intersection if
    your timing's right. It takes some getting used to, but once you do
    they're great.
    lab~rat, Nov 2, 2004
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